Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Barron is the teenager living in the WH (Melania’s son). The last is a name Donald Trump used as when acting as his own press agent back in the late 80s and 90s (he would call reporters as “John Barron” to brag on Trump, including spreading false tales about how famous women were always hitting on him). 

That rather assumes her mother’s face is genetic rather than surgically altered, though - which in Trump’s circle seems to be the exception rather than the rule.

For me what’s really weird is when they ask for a letter, and it is for something specific that doesn’t really connect at all with our relationship. “I know you can write an analytical paper but what exactly does that say about your ability to live in Pakistan and study Urdu with a small group of people?” 

I don’t know what hard data the publishing world has on end readers, but it is definitely perceived as mattering to purchasing agents, managers and owners of bookstores - and that means it matters to publishers. That’s also why having your beta readers blurb the manuscript for a pitch letter can help - it shouldn’t

Already happened, and was just in the news again this week. Six years ago, a 16 year old was shot and killed and the CBP officer claimed to be in “fear for his life” because he was throwing rocks from the Mexican side of the border. The boy was hit at least 10 times - and the CBP officer was just found not guilty of

He may very well think, ala Ron Burgundy, that San Diego is German for whale’s vagina - because otherwise this has to be a troll.

Read the linked article - her camp wants the appearance of a debate but no real debate. No back and forth with candidates, for example. They even wanted to let her bring in a prep binder because apparently she can’t recall her canned answers (the article makes it sound like her staff handles her around media the way

She missed getting a recount by something like 27 votes - if Trump hadn’t already singled her out in his post-election press conference as a “loser” he’d be screaming his head off about the unfairness of it I’m sure.

Per the linked story, the debate will be broadcast and the moderator/panelists will include members of the local TV and print media. This is not unheard of with local races or early primary debates where there’s not much outside interest but really weird for a Senate race, much less a run-off. But apparently she would

The only thing I’d point out is that although this tendency is common in people who get tracked into law, it isn’t unique to them. I became a lawyer, but discussing issues with my dad the engineer was better preparation for obstinate opposing counsel making hairsplitting arguments than law school was (and foretold my

As someone who has literally and figuratively hit himself throughout his life, thank you for being honest and open about your struggle. I’ve had a good run for the last several years, but the last few months have sucked and it always helps to be reminded that others are facing similar issues.

You obviously weren’t raised in a Big 10 household - the University of Michigan mascot is generally spoken of quite often either with pride or disgust, depending on your parent’s rooting interests.

One thing that complicates the when is that research suggests white identity becomes more powerful as the majority shrinks and the fear of a transition becomes more salient.  So the current pattern may have an even longer tail than you are thinking - especially if a) we really do roll back immigration to pre-1965

Shhh.  We don’t want them to know how advanced our socialist plot has become comrade - almost like it is the foundation of modern society.

Yep - the last paragraph in the cited report notes there’s a local, upscale white linen restaurant in the damn Eagle’s Landing development.  This is all about not having “them” be involved.

Just to clarify, in the US state government can pretty much dictate what cities can or can’t do because local government units aren’t listed anywhere in the Constitution, just states and the Federal government. A lot of states give some version of home-rule to cities through a charter provision in the state

Hell tell them to stop using Medicare and Social Security.

It is part of the nature of bureaucracy - you give people a little authority, they will exercise it because it takes on inflated value/reflects on them. She likely has it in her head that the way she was taught to do this task is vital to democracy. This is her big day to be the line of defense between anarchy and the

I have a name that is virtually unpronounceable on sight, and even with a phonetic version people can never say it right so my mother changed the true pronunciation to a more American friendly version, but the upside is people almost never try. Funniest mispronunciation I ever heard though was at a friend’s graduation

According to a report on the ground (TPM highlighted it over the weekend) the “hacking” actually consisted of Dems and lawyers for plaintiffs in one of the suits against Kemp trying to alert authorities to vulnerabilities in the system a voter found without doing anything but trying to look up their own record.