Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

Bill Foster should kick his ass just generally, but that is patently absurd. By the way, Foster replaced Dennis Hastert (the pedophile GOP Speaker of the House) before the Dems redistricted to make the 11th safer, so I guess the current opponent is a moderate step up for the Republicans.

Mike Pence can fuck straight off with that. The Wong Kim Ark case that established birthright citizenship was about the child of people subject the Chinese Exclusion Act which prevented Chinese immigrants from ever gaining citizenship. If that doesn’t clarify that it is where you are born and not who you are born to,

For decades political scientists have talked about Presidents being in permanent campaign mode. Some trace it all the way to FDR and his “fireside chats” others look to Reagan and Clinton’s approach to the press and trying to constantly win the daily news cycle. But Trump has taken it literally, and filed for

Sadly, since we have a lap dog of a Supreme Court that will take any “facially valid” rationale and run with it, and the rank and file of the GOP is terrified of the base who gets excited when Trump tosses them red meat about this shit, it is how it works for Miller’s xenophobic dreamscape -Trump tweets or Miller

People misread anger as innocence pretty routinely, in and out of court. It is the go to shut down tactic of a lot of people, especially men, so it may be a matter of not wanting to admit that their own tendency is to get mad when they are trying to avoid the truth. That would be in keeping with the work of Dan

It generally isn’t harping, though.  Where it works - and the yield of all kinds is low, but better than broadcast media - is in the cumulative effects of little reminders of things like when to vote, why your vote matters, etc. on folks who are either a) unlikely to vote without reminders or b) truly persuadable. 

They aren’t, since it is still illegal. The naming and shaming, as well as going after johns at all, is seen as the “softer” side of prohibition, built on a model that assumes essentially all sex work is tied to exploitation of vulnerable people who otherwise would never do it (the Les Miz model of the “fallen woman,”

Naming and shaming johns is meant to deter others from doing the same. It is pretty common in solicitation stings. Now there’s very little evidence deterrence tactics actually work in most cases, but that’s a different question.

I have no doubt the cops were following policy - which is what makes this so very fucked up. Policy is that if someone who is reacting emotionally to a gross escalation of a situation doesn’t immediately comply, you remove them as a threat by arresting them - thereby escalating the situation in the name of control. If

I think Jimmy Carter would have done something - and gotten dragged by his own party for it.

I assume in his mind this is just one more job in the Trump Organization, and he loves to tout how he gave a couple of women there jobs in management so he’s been helping (individual) women for a long time. Which is true - he just didn’t give them any credit, and treats all the rest of the women in the world like shit.

Or at least be honest and note that you aren’t in LA proper but the suburbs/exurbs - and even then you need to add more color.

Those guys have read “advice” columns about how getting the heart rate up is more likely to lead to you liking them.

That assumes his parents are who he says they are - and wouldn’t that be fun to find out?

The story that was at the heart of all of this - what it all came out of - was that one of the branches of her family wanted nothing to do with the other because of the belief that there was Native American heritage in one of them. She never claimed to have personally been harmed by those stories, she never asserted

She didn’t make that claim - HLS did because they needed to cover their ass.

You mean that isn’t what the SEC already is for top players?

Not between now and next May he won’t. Any guaranteed draft prospect these days goes with a draft specific training regimen these days, and that top guys do it with outside trainers (marginal guys will use the school’s facilities but it isn’t necessary for anyone who can get an agent to front the money - and Bosa has

The shallowness of Trump’s performative empathy is amply demonstrated by his radio silence on the slaying of Celia Barquin Arozamena. She was also a vibrant, outgoing young woman, a recent college graduate and outstanding golfer at Iowa State killed in a crime of opportunity by a complete stranger. This also happened

That hashtag is some First World Problems shit.  What I always tell my students is say as little as possible, and before you consent to a search think of your dumbest friend and what they might have left in your car/home/bag.