Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

People get stupid over money, relationships and property.  You put them all together and just about anyone can act like an idiot of the highest order.

So in other words like most World Cups played in Europe.  

On the one hand I think he could have gone up the chain of command pretty easily - and that should have been part of his job as an assistant coach and close peer of his athletes. In terms of legal liability, though, I don’t think college coaches were mandatory reporters of sexual assault at this time, so he could

My working theory is Jordan knew about Strauss but assumed anyone who really was bothered by it would do more than “whine” about it and knock the dude out. I only wrestled through high school, but I saw a some shit that today would be considered child and/or sexual abuse that no one said anything about most of the

Tell that to my students of Latinx descent who get upset when I use Latino/a or Hispanic or Chicano/a.  We are living in the era of self-identified pronouns, and they prefer it as it is both gender neutral and relatively inclusive (although frankly the Latin prefix was problematic to prior generations because of the

Probably not lawsuits from individual victims, because causation would be really hard to establish - especially since many police departments have fostered a culture of paranoia to justify their own existence/actions.  However, in many places a false or baseless accusation is at least something you can be fined for if

State leg seats in Oregon don’t follow county lines - hell, Portland straddles 3 counties (hence it has a separate governing body for transportation called Tri-Met). Her district - the 51st - pops up into SE metro Portland/Multnomah county for a chunk of dense urban population, then covers a swath of suburban

Yeah I never once doing door knocking thought they’d call the cops on me as long as I stayed away from the people with the “no solicitors” and “beware of gun owner” signs. Then again I was a white dude in a white neighborhood (albeit stumping for people of color, so I got to meet some lovely racists).

It’s Clackamas County Oregon - there’s a pretty damn good chance if they are in a suburban neighborhood (not near the mall) they are white - 88 percent white in the 2010 census, less than 1 percent African American and less than 8 percent (mainly overlapping with white and other) identifying as hispanic.

Actually it was national news when a law firm offered to pay the fines of any illegal lemonade stand that got cited by cops. Libertarians and Fox News in particular have been harping on suburban incidents of this (typically by white people against white people) for several years as part of their portrayal of liberals

The speed he supposedly mainlined in the 80s and 90s (in the form of “diet pills” but I’m sure he appreciated the side effects) would explain a lot of it.

Curious which county/area you were in. Not that home owners/residents of Multnomah are any less assholes than those in Washington or Clackamas, but how they are assholes in my experience is somewhat differentiated. Like the people in NW/SW Multnomah/Metro and near suburbs tend to be wealthier and more like rich

What follows is purely intended as educational/informative from someone who teaches a seminar in the politics behind laws relating to crime and police procedure.

I’ve heard variants of this - but I thought the schlemiel was the klutzy waiter, and hence unfortunate but not a perennial loser to the same extent as the schlamazal cursed to have soup in his hair/clothes/lap.

Yeah, as someone who grew up in LA in the 70s and 80s no self-professed fan of the Lakers or Dodgers should get sympathy from pretty much any fan base. The Kings are going to have to suck for at least a couple of decades before hockey fans will be permitted to complain again. Rams fans can’t say much, despite not

Sorry that happened to you, but that hasn’t my experience both public and private schools in different states. When I’ve been full time (non-tenure track on one year contracts with no right of renewal) I’ve always been offered a comparable benefits package to other employees, and that included deferred compensation.

Because the Bill of Rights (which wouldn’t apply in Canada anyways even as a moral example for strict-constructionists Trumpanzees), although it all but certainly was motivated by what today we call a desire to protect the ability of people to protect their own conscience from government interference, did not embrace

In fact it was such a widely condemned practice for a man to wear a hat indoors (particularly in church in England) that it was used to illustrate the difference between cultural conventions and law in HLA Hart’s The Concept of Law- now admittedly that was 70 years ago and only the military ever made it an enforceable

For anyone else on academic year (9 or 10 month appointments - per class is a totally different animal) you should definitely ask if the school has a deferred compensation plan. Most who pay their regular faculty by academic year do. It still sucks, but it takes the burden off you trying to save and budget just to

I don’t actually even know who you know who is supposed to be in this - Lynch, who awkwardly recused herself but appears to have actually stuck with it? Obama, who actually didn’t go public with what he had because the turtle balked at a bipartisan statement? The magical “deep state” that supposedly drives all the