Political Science isn't Rocket Science - Except when it is

All the reports that claim other people input these for him stun me - like these are the “polished” versions of these turds?

I know where this office is - gun humpers would have a hard time even getting to it, as it is in the SW Marina area of Portland populated almost entirely by hipsters, medical students and well off senior citizens. They’d also have to pay for public parking and you know that’s the ultimate form of government tyranny

I have no idea what you are talking about. I am talking about conditions on sentencing - which right now in most states can include a term of years of imprisonment, probation of several forms, an order of restitution (mainly for financial crimes) and payments to a Victim’s Compensation Fund among other things. The 8th

I don’t believe there should be a cap on his earnings - but frankly it should a condition of every sexual assault plea that he has to make restitution to her and other victims for the rest of his earning days. She will likely be dealing with issues from this for the rest of her life, and if and when he can he should

Interestingly enough, the system cares a lot about women as victims - when they get killed. A landmark study (it is dated know, so it may be off) showed that the death penalty was most frequently given in cases of dead white women, followed by dead women generally. And we used to include aggravated rape (which

I think the point of the column is a good one, but I’m not sure Tunsil is a great comparison, given that his slide (while costly) was relatively short. We see the NFL twist itself in knots to give a second chance to amazingly talented players who beat their children, their spouses or total strangers and do horrific

From this rule leading head first into space - which is what an offensive player is typically doing - wouldn’t be a foul because they aren’t doing it to “initiate contact”. But there are definitely times when offensive players do seek out contact with their heads “try to deliver a blow” and if the rule were enforced

I mean, it is the logic of the “we have to burn down this country to save it” crowd, but calling that result a reason to label someone a “great” president is pretty awful.  Plus it is a faint hope - the revelations of LBJ’s duplicity, Nixon’s mendacity and Ford’s swing and a miss didn’t exactly lead to a complete

I met a small town mayor who made a claim that they couldn’t remember if he voted for Trump, but then two minutes later called Secretary Clinton “Lying Hillary”.   I slowly eased my way to the door after that.

It was touch and go for a while, but I’d say at this point we are pretty good friends - like I’m her emergency contact and she lets me crash at her place when I come back to “home base” (I’m on the dreaded contingent faculty/visitor circuit so for the last year I’ve been far away from home and unable to get home as

Not going to hate on that combo - pork has historically been paired with sweet elements (that apple in the roast pig’s mouth wasn’t just for show) in everything from stuffed chops to rolled roasts to fabulous rice dishes.

Slightly older than this week’s achievement - went through my PhD hooding a week ago Friday. Culmination of 6 years work (really more like 20 if you include the time it took me to finally go back to school). While the event was fun it was also slightly anticlimactic - my parents couldn’t attend, my brother didn’t even

When he is reduced to the generalities of “the Heritage Foundation says we’ve implemented 64% of our top agenda items” (hint the HF really only thinks the ones they like such as lower taxes are top agenda items, not what his base thinks matters like building a wall, bringing back coal jobs, etc.) he’s hard up for

Well, in a world in which steel imports from Canada represent a national security risk, as do refugees from Syria and students from Afghanistan, and crime is apparently rampant (all statistics aside) you better believe that a couple hundred thousand brown people crossing a border that has already had the manpower

Trump actually tried to claim at one point the MS-13 members were coming in as unaccompanied minors, not the parents/child smuggler line they are pulling know (which as far as I know the child smuggling is more of a Mexican cartel activity - MS-13 are truly awful, but they don’t run the coyotes). There’s a sad

Every time they mention how bad it is in Central American nations with gangs that we basically created as a reason to refuse admission to people fleeing those areas I want to pull my hair out. Of course King is basically just copy pasting from the Euro-nationalists like Wilders, just swapping MS-13 for ISIS. 

Wildfang has apparently started a whole response line “I really do care. Don’t you?” jacket but it is reportedly sold out.  Lots of versions popping up apparently.

Don’t forget Pence’s duck and run from the cast of Hamilton entreating him to give a shit about all Americans.

I haven’t lifted regularly since I hurt my neck in football 30 years ago, and I can tell this is shit form. Of course, his spotter, on top of being a vain “that guy”, has twigs for legs himself and is wearing goddamn sandals while spotting squats so I suspect this facility is not precisely as rigorous about form and

I was thinking he was cribbing Andy’s greatest hits as cover for the 1/3 or so of the list that’s all Jesusy. Sort of like the pills covered in hamburger, only the Jesusy stuff is far less useful to me than heartworm medication is to a dog.