Advanced Dorkness

For me, it’s Hellsing Ultimate (or Miracleman vs. Evil Kid Miracleman at the end of Alan Moore’s run), but this is still definitely some next level shit. Holy damn, this show is gory.

That part is still burned into my brain days later.

The thing is Trump has access to the best medical facilities money and white privilege can buy, so even when he got COVID, the bastard didn’t even have the decency to let it kill him.

And then they try to champion feminism, as if they’re not part of the problem.

Steppenwolf doesn’t even look like Steppenwolf. He looks like a monster or a demon.

I’m just so tired of this.

It’s sad that right now movies about the Justice League can’t even compete with a spin-off series about The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (two C-Listers in Marvel comics).

And Simon Kinberg.

Yeesh...Harry Potter has been getting some really bad press lately.

To be fair, they used to milk FF4 a lot. It even has two sequels.

Or dying because your government and the people in your country don’t care enough to protect you from fatal, preventable illnesses.

I know it’s cliche, but he was one of a kind.

Madvillainy is one of my favorite albums, period.

When I first saw his artwork of Paladin Cecil, I thought it was Rosa.

Try reading stuff besides Marvel and DC (Image puts out some excellent stuff). And if you do want stuff that’s more self contained within Marvel/DC, there’s some good stuff outside of the never ending main continuity (Like New Frontier and Kingdom Come).

Edit: I meant Aria, not Sara. She’s the one that died in III.

To be fair, the original series was basically a soap drama, but with robots and magic.

Am I the only one who remembers Princess Sara from III?

They sure do like killing Mario in Smash trailers, don’t they?

Years from now, we need to all remember that Donald Trump wasn’t just some despicable reality star turned despicable president. He was a mass murderer, indirectly killing countless people even before COVID-19.