Advanced Dorkness

For every Golden Eye there’s a million E.Ts.

I feel like the Ultimate Universe should have been Marvel’s equivalent to Post-Crisis DC. But Marvel just does not want to reboot their universe even though it’s been going on since the early 40s.

He always has this pathetic look on his face. I can’t describe it. It’s like the face of someone whose completely given up their soul to the almighty dollar.

I mean, not all. You have stuff like Chainsaw Man, Promised Neverland, Beastars, Attack on Titan, Spy Family, to name a few. That stuff falls out of the typical Dragonball clone stuff, and all of it is Shonen.

At this point is there anyone in the entertainment industry who isn’t a scumbag?

The best thing Trump could do for the black community is die.

Celebrities in 2020. Even Dory let us down.

While we’re on the topic of so-called founding fathers (cause Frederick Douglass is MY founding father), anyone else find Hamilton to be a very bizarre concept for a play?

This has been my favorite Zelda game ever since I played it back in 2013.

Ya know, as someone whose also black and have had my share of racist experiences, I feel increasingly alienated in this country. Like, I always knew things were bad. but it’s even worse than I thought. People really haven’t changed.

Disappointed is an understatement. I grew up loving this show. Makes me wonder how the cast would have treated me or anyone else I know.

My backlog is:

I guess that means Wrath of Cortex is non-canon.

True, but 90s anime, from what I notice, are way less obnoxious. I mean, sure there was plenty of bad stuff back then too, but the stuff that was mainstream leaned towards a more mature feel and felt less tropey.

Cop: Hey, a lot of people are really mad about us killing black people. It’s causing global riots. That’s some serious shit, dude. We caused that. You think maybe we should, ya know...stop?

and more anime tropes and cliches than you can cringe at.


I don’t even know who Perry Como is and I found that funny.

What an Uncle Tom. Jesus...

I know, right? And they could have at least modernized the character a little for the remake, since it’s 2020, just to make him a little less stereotypical. But no, they double down on it. Like come on, Japan, the video game industry is completely global now, y’all can’t be this unaware (blame also goes to Square Enix