If you have had 2 chances to tell one of the most beloved comic stories of all time and you biffed the first, your second attempt is an A or an F.
I didn’t get it until I read your comment, so go have yourself a beer and put it on my tab.
He never choked a bitch, he just posited whether he would have to.
Sounds like an episode of Futurama.
Didn’t Spade already have a show with CC a while back?
Looking at that header photo, I’m reminded that it all comes back to that hair.
Meh, call me when she starts fighting Kaiju
I gave you a star because I agree with you, but part of me also wants to say that she lacks the depth and the warmth associated with the word.
Every episode of LAST MAN STANDING should start with Tim Allen coughing, his wife looking slightly concerned, and then moving on with the show.
This dub sub thing is stupid.
Dear White People & Trump Supporters:
I did not see that coming at all. Shonda Rhimes must have made a call like, “I will end Grey’s Anatomy right now.”
The bummer is that if some of these abortions would just go with the source material, they might actually work. Unfortunately, that would mean paying people like Chris Claremont and John Byrne money that is otherwise pocketed by Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg.
Welp, if Drug Dealers are mass murderers because of the products they sell, we’d better jail and execute every gun manufacturer and tobacco product company. All of GM. Ford, Cadillac.