Advanced Dorkness

That’s what I mean.

A functioning government would have never allowed him to run in the first place, let alone win, and a functioning society would have unanimously regarded his campaign as a joke.

Hell, he’s responsible for all the COVID-19 deaths in the US, and he’s gonna be responsible for even more, since he’s decided to re-open everything.

And on top of that, he has the gall to insult actual veterans and call them cowards, then flip flop and talk about supporting the troops whenever he wants to look good. And his base just eats it up like mindless idiots.

Man, God. Is trying. To kill us.

More black characters in video games, period, for starters.

And you got people more concerned about property damage than the loss of innocent lives all these years.

It all started when a bunch of Europeans sailed to an already inhabited country and told it’s population “This is MINE now! I’m taking this! MINE!” And then they said “Gee, I wonder what else we can ‘discover’ (rubs fingers)“.

This is why we can never have nice things.

I love how this game not only keeps the sillier, humorous aspects of the original but doubles down on them.

I would honestly be okay with the remake having three different routes and endings (Classic, Remake, and Zack) depending on player choices, with the latter two resulting in Aerith’s survival and Classic being the original story beat-for-beat.

What adds insult to injury is that a lot of these old books have some pretty damn racist content too.

There was a time where I foolishly believed we as a society had long grown past this kind of racially insensitive stupidity.

A cosplayer, a bodybuilder, and a doctor (whose treating the Coronavirus).

When you’re actually more awesome than the character you cosplay as.

You mean Marvel/DC comics.

True. And I feel like, for all their flaws, a lot of the stuff directly inspired by Dragonball (Naruto, One Piece, Bleach) surpass it in terms of storytelling. But That’s not very hard to do.

Yeah, there’s a wide variety of obscure stuff (comics, movies, TV shows, anime) that would have likely been lost to time if not for piracy. Especially a lot of Marvel and DC comics. There’s probably more single issues that aren’t collected than ones that actually are.

being turned into a Picasso.

Coming to a RedBox/bargain bin/free streaming service near you!