
don’t worry, it still takes a human to inexplicably fuck up your order at mcdonalds. the robots will never be able to take that away from us.

The Detective Pikachu movie actually looks pretty awesome

This guy gets it

the fuck IS that shit?! it looks like he glued the ass hairs from a bunch of pigmy marmosets to his head, Eddie Munster style

tough pill to swallow that: that santa says the same shit mommie and daddy say when theyre fighting

goodBYE love actually, don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out

“But converting from TVC to FTE is easier once you’re already there

a “friend” is somebody who is willing to tell you to unfuck yourself when you’re going off the rails. it’s obvious trump has never had a friend during the entirety of his existence.

Hey give the man credit; coin = money, i’m surprised he didn’t just put it in his pocket and walk away.

don’t feel bad kid, i wept after seeing that movie also. thats 2 hours of my life that i will never, ever get back again, you MONSTERS

They want him to genetically engineer a trump clone that doesnt believe in crippling international tariffs

better not blind-click on those EULAs anymore people, you might wake up in the army

“nipples that are offfff to maaaaaaaarkeeeeet!!

theyve been employing drones for more than 20 years now

I was offered $100 (with no strings attached) as an apology.”

when the truth comes out, we’re probably going to learn that they welcomed this guy with open arms....right up until he said some stupid shit like “you’re gonna have to give up watching your sunday morning football and come to church”

from what i’ve heard, jesus said “turn the other cheek”; so go mourn your dead idiot and STFU

where does it say that i discussed raking with anybody? it doesn’t.