so if im friends with somebody on facebook that means im either surveilling them or stalking them?
“There is another lesson here, which is that we should take white men who say violent, racist shit at face value and hold them accountable for their words.“
gonna file this under “i love black people, i even have a black friend”
If they KNOW you fell overboard, survival is likely. Otherwise, it’s going to be a while before anybody realizes you’re missing, possibly not even until the ship hits home port and they start trying to figure out why you left all your shit in your room. Assuming of course you were traveling alone; otherwise somebody…
Good advice sure, but not always possible. The pharmacy and the insurance keep track of your dosages and how much/how often you should be taking, and, depending on the medication, will usually only refill at a certain point, when you are about to run out. And the meds they are usually the most stingy/restrictive with…
“In this apartment, the bathtub is on the balcony“
I never saw a single good review of Duke Nukem or Aliens. If you bought them anyway, you weren’t being scammed, you’re just a dumbass. Don’t blame other people for your own stupidity and incompetence. Except maybe your parents...
I’ve been at the same place for over 13 years because i hate moving so much i would rather commute farther and farther to work than move. Right around 200 miles a day now. But i’m willing to put up with it because it’s the company’s car and gas.
Assuming I’ve even got the admin rights to install it on all my laptops and my desktop, how do i get around the company’s Group Policy controlling the desktop wallpaper?
Damn you. FINE, i will have to check it out now.
“That’s a lot of work and cost and it wouldn’t be the same game really.”
“I asked Tesla’s spokespeople about this, but they had nothing to add to Elon’s tweet. They promised they’d let me know if anything came up, though.“
Katamari, Diablo, TWEEY, Civ VI; a year almost after i got my switch, finally stuff i am looking forward to, and not just settling for.
Waiting until the project was finished after working everybody in non-stop crunch mode, then not paying them? No, that’s 100% Telltale’s fault, contract worker or not.
No severance? So ZERO reason for me to buy this game.
dat ass
I was just exstatic that it was a different opener than “you wake up with no memory of who you are or where you are”. That made it Emmy material in my eyes back in the day.
Trump was quoted as saying “Did he at least grab her by the pussy? Tremendous, I think he’s our man.”