
O’Neill’s Daredevil was what really got me into the series in the first place. I totally missed the Miller run, took a couple years to hunt down the back-issues (no internets back then kiddies). But it never occured to me until you put it in writing, that I also really loved O’Neill’s Batman.

“Honey, would you please stop printing gigantic dicks!

CATCHES him in a lie? Try catching him telling the truth once, maybe that will impress somebody

maybe..don’t warn people? they’ll figure it out when they’ve got a full rack of antlers up the kazoo

Problem: Hates sexual discrimination and sexual harrassment

Argument: In Terminator and Star Trek TMP, the AI was ALREADY self-aware when we’re brought into the story, it didn’t BECOME self-aware. That was all part of the back-story.

Is it a labo desk? Does it work with your switch?

he probably got a look at his first government GS paycheck and said “you’re shitting me right? im risking my life day-in and day-out and this is all i get? i got 25x this at Space-X”

Cool, make that shit happen boo, push your boss out the helicopter. Let him go meet space jesus, then see if you can one-up him by somehow making shit even worse. You’ve got your work cut out for you sure, but i have faith in you. i KNOW you could cock it up something FIERCE.

Right? Cause the second ANYBODY even mentions football in regards to this event, the NFL will jump up and say “wait one goddam minute there!”

Cut the man some slack; he was just confused when he didn’t see the hammer and sickle on the flag.

My kids used to do that all the time. They were 2 years old.

I’ve got one kid completely out of school and one still in college. My wife is a nervous wreck any time either one of them calls (even the one out of school), which is usually 3-4 times daily? “What happened?! Are you okay?” It gets rediculous when one of them DOESN’T call.

Not sure theyre going to lose any sleep over somebody not using their free app, but still paying them the same amount of money to use their service. But you go ahead Internet Warrior, you take that rock hard stance, you’re slayin em all the way to the bank.

RIP Captain McCain. I’m sorry the last couple years of your life had to be mired by the shitshow that is American politics, and that you were besmirched by that yellow piece of shit in the white house, President Bone Spurs

No ice cream-maker guy minifigure? What the shit Lego?!

Any word yet? Cmon, UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE!!!!

Tell me those eyes in the header pic are not the eyes of an unrepentant serial killing horse fucker.

SOMETIMES they immediately lose everything.

Why should her feet be the ONLY part of her body without some kind of nasty funk to it, amiright?