Kudos for actually stepping up and doing something. But the case doesn’t end with the arrest.
Kudos for actually stepping up and doing something. But the case doesn’t end with the arrest.
So he’s 13/14 now, and I’m guessing goes to public school?
I’m holding out for Precious Moments statues to commemorate scenes from some of the classics, like Debbie Does Dallas, Behind The Green Door, Deep Throat, and The Devil in Miss Jones.
“You can also spot them from their wardrobe. The men wear khakis and running shoes, usually Asics.“
“Therefore, if black people were twice as likely to vote for Trump than commit a crime, using white logic, we can conclude that black people love Donald Trump. That’s just science.“
rrrrrrr torn. while the david tennant EPISODES of Doctor Who were some of my favorites story-wise, the sound of his voice, every single syllable he utters, makes me want to violently stab out my eardrums with sharp pencils
i get an O.G. Homeworld vibe from the space pics, keep it up
aaawwwweeee *frowny face emoji*
right? which button so i can have my toon do the “take a knee during the azeroth national anthem” stance
Wait, you mean even KINJA doesn’t read the articles before it posts?! Daaaaaaamn
Welcome back Mike! Don’t overdo it; babysteps...
theyre just certifying that its pre-owned, not that its worth a shit
the shoes up top arent so much “bedazzled” as they are “im going to shred your feet like a cheese grater while we slow dance”
I feel like, just after jumping out of the plane, Tom Cruise would try to sell you on scientology, and I would be SO done with his spiel that i would NOT open my chute just to try to get away from him.
Not really a bombshell, they’ve been talking about Billie Dee Lando coming back for a couple months now
Looks like somebody got kinja-ed
“STAT | 25% - Amount of game developers who complained about crunch, overtime, or poor working conditions in the GamesIndustry.biz Careers Survey this year. That’s down from 73% last year.“
And you can bet her professors will be seriously eyeballing her work now also.
whatchu got against Sheets-N-Shit?
Another “people hate their” jobs article? Really?