
As a male gun owner who splits the work week between NC and DC (so my two dating app knowledgeable cities), I’ve also been surprised at how many women have pictures of guns in their profiles. I guess it’s an easy cultural signifier.

What’s with the blue led strip along the interior? I’m having flashbacks of shitty dorm room PC builds.

No, but conservative personalities write a lot of books (and then use fundraised dollars to buy them back up under the guise of third party groups). So there are plenty of opportunities for these lovelorn conservatives to pick up some shelf decoration. I’m down at General assembly in my state a few days a week and

“In all seriousness, it is not hard to get laid in DC, even if you are conservative. These guys are most likely just douche bags and wouldn’t have any better luck if they were in Fort Worth, TX.”

To my eternal shame, I worked as a finance director for a Republican political organization as my first job out of school. The women in my organization mostly were just polite and quiet. Sure, they had your typical mean girl tendencies toward acceptable targets (and often weirdly serious ex-sorority feuds). But tone

Yeah, I wish I could say I boycott Wal-Mart out of some high-minded ideal. Instead, the place is just nasty. Who wants to shop there?

That’s all the law is. Made up rules that mean something until they’re overwritten by the next set.

I was so sad when a relative sold this a couple years ago.

You cad! No one of any repute stores their own furs. You send them off.

It’s even worse. Pence and his ilk don’t think they “know better” for the marginalized groups you mentioned. They just don’t give a fuck.

Well, you see, Trump was confused. He was in a forum where he had to listen to opposing ideas. His advisors couldn’t isolate him from hearing what the Dems said and he is just too senile to remember which line to parrot. His communications staff will almost certainly “clarify” his remarks today.

I think a better answer would be a system of progressive ticketing. If you’re poor, have the fine be relatively small or use your plan of ticket purchase replacing the fine. If you’re better off, the ticket amount can be tied to your financial state.

Naw man. It’s always been popular to shame both poor and black people in America.

I guess it’s your only option at that point if you’re approached when out walking and that is the only way you have to “defend” yourself. It didn’t work, but I’d probably not have even thought to try. You’d hope a livestream in a small town like Wingate might deter a criminal who wouldn’t want to be quickly identified

Sad story. It seems the suspect is now in custody though at least.

Ugh, I’m so tired of this. Leave Hillary alone. She isn’t in office anymore. “Don’t go to Michigan. Don’t go to Pennsylvania they told her.” Terrible advice.

Well, unlike Hillary, people actually like her.

Rule Number 1 for successfully navigating public life in America: Don’t attack Oprah.

I’m not so sure. According to my ex girlfriend when she left me inches matter.

Has anyone EVER given a good reason why Olympic athletes were allowed to start wearing clothes?!