
Trump looks like garbage, but it’s known those are still $15k Brioni suits. I think greed and self image are a huge part of his motivations.

I’m not saying this woman necessarily killed her husband, but “I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time” seems like a really callous accounting of a dead spouse to me.

The sad thing is, he’s right for once. The Dems are mostly talk when it comes to serious gun reform. They are terrified of the potential voter backlash.

I watched Joe Biden eat ice cream at Cornell’s last commencement. I can only assume Hamilton would go Gallagher on a Chobani.

But an English teacher should be in high demand! Dearth means a lack of rather than having an abundance.

But are the robot bulls dumb like normal bulls? Since the robots could fix their own AI and intelligence levels, why don’t they throw a bone to their cloven hoofed brethren?

Go west for natural hot springs. Or google Korean spa and go to a city and veg out for a few days. I take at least one full day at the Korean spa almost every time I have to go to NYC and it’s glorious.

But bro, how will people know how performatively woke I am if I don’t type out that I’m going to keep my mouth shut?

I know people are quick to condemn your comment and maybe you are making it not in good faith. But assuming you are, I can understand the hints of trepidation already cautious or nervous guys can feel. I’m a conventionally attractive man and can look back at times where women friends definitely react better or find

And porn is so crazy now! I’m a guy in my late 20s and even compared to when I was first seeing it as a teen, damn! No wonder kids are fucked up. I think Gizmodo did a pornhub story where they showed the most popular kinds of porn now in many states were sketchy things like underage and incest. Not to mention plenty

I think the massage comment is a reference to the Massage Envy sexual assault story that’s been unfolding, but I may be mistaken.

You probably have a point about Dunham. But, to be fair, many people describe Schumer in the exact same way.

I understand your point, but there is a difference in maintaining credulity in a case like Aziz versus Nikki. Sure, Amy is related to Aziz, but his offense is much less egregious. Was he wrong and coercive to Grace? Yes! And I’m fully okay with people who are willing to say I’m done with him. Since it isn’t really a

What kind of dumb shit is this? I’m lucky enough to hang out with a VS model semi-regularly (good friends with her younger brother) and she’s always so nice and welcoming. Hell, she takes pictures in underwear too. Do those facts combine to mean she’s libidinous and I should come on to her? No, it just means she’s

Meh, she’s a celebrity. There are definitely more provocative pictures of her out there already, I’m sure.

To be fair, I feel like NBC would be idiotic to choose two replaceable cameramen over Questlove if forced. But, in reality, these idiots aren’t important enough to even be on Questlove’s radar.

Wow. Presumably Stanford administrators are highly educated and experienced. “I’m okay” was what they decided to go with?

Because pancakes can stand solo!


Oh yeah? And just how is that working out for him?