
Definitely. My cousin (billionaire daughter) married a guy who was an average Joe. A smart guy who did well for himself getting into a good school and a good job (for a normal person), but pretty dang average other than that. The guy wasn’t hot either. I would say my cousin is a pretty conventionally attractive young

Here’s a little secret after a decade of working in politics...most people are having affairs.

Did you miss the whole part about the “big tent”?

You’re right, we won’t likely agree on this, but your position is well-articulated so I didn’t want you to languish in the grays.

By the people he is speaking to. You know...the ones who need to hear it the most.

I can’t imagine being this filled with vitriol that I’m still bitching about Bush in 2020. I guess those Trumpers still howling about Obama are in good company at least.

So they made it a disposable product that you’d need to rebuy rather than using their own battery system?


While the family sucks and the bridge is in terrible disrepair, the Detroit Free Press Marathon that crosses over the bridge into Canada and back through the tunnel into the US is one of the most fun races that I’ve ever done.

We’re supposed to applaud this guy for a “stop snitching” stance when pedophile is right there?

So one right wing person and Andrew are the only participants so far, but both bring up valid questions. Gov. Whitmer’s actions did not match her rhetoric. In an era of renewed calls for police — and state — accountability, it is valid to question her approach. Given the State Supreme Court ruling, it seems like she

How can sport be a meritocracy if this idiot still has a job at lunchtime?

This is exactly what disenfranchisement looks like.

Conor McGregor is a shithead, but implying religious violence is way worse. No one has a right to get “offended” for a diety and threaten retaliation. It’s not a joke given the very real instances of religious reprisal that we see every day (from all faiths). 

When did the driver get out? I only notice the passenger loitering. Of course the family’s first concern was the little girl, but those cowards are lucky that the guy with the gun doesn’t show up in the first 20 seconds. 

I think you’re correct about Tesla as a status symbol, but I don’t think that’s why people (in USA at least) but iPhones anymore. Sure they once had prestige, but now are just ubiquitous. I’ve used android, iOS, blackberry and windows mobile (RIP) and am back to iPhones because you can use android messaging platforms

No, the Kardashian’s make billions. LaVar Ball has ensured that his family will never do the same unfortunately. 

Bowtie era Tucker will always be the most punchable. 

These Borat references are getting a little dated...not!

My grandmother is 86 and we had a tearful conversation the other day on the anniversary of her brother drowning on a beach trip together about 70 years ago. These losses never seem to go away, but hopefully in time the good memories outweigh the horror.