Leave Shoji out of this!
Leave Shoji out of this!
Does anyone even care anymore? I have a hard time remaining so interested in any fictional account that I’m on pins and needles for it 2.5 years later.
My grandfather played shitty American legion baseball back in the day in rural North Carolina. When the local teams would travel each other to play, there was always a local business man or two who “sponsored” the teams and would give the players money on the side. Being a poor, country person in the 1930s, my…
Being a man, I think you’re sadly correct. I’ve been fortunate enough that every woman that I’ve seriously dated has had a stable career, healthy relationships and is driven. On the other hand, my poor sister is a few years older than me and has struggled mightily to find a decent guy. She’s 10 times the person I will…
The GOP can’t dump trump. Despite his unpopularity nationally, he is still the main draw for the party and his core group of supporters is who controls GOP primaries. All traditional GOP leaders are already trying to stave off a conservative primary challenger and dumping Trump would just guarantee these people lose…
The genders are reversed, but one thing my girlfriend and I really enjoy doing together is kayaking. If I removed her plug and took her paddle and she drowned I might not (or might!) be legally liable, but I sure would feel responsible. I don’t understand all these comments trying to absolve someone from being so…
That’s...not how kayaks work. I take one out a few times a week during warmer months and there is no way you can hand paddle with anything like the speed and consistency of swimming - and the water was too cold for swimming. This doesn’t even take into account the added weight and drag as the boat fills with water. He…
“When the cops sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”
I bet the number who are injured and disabled drops at least!
At what point do we hire the 16 year old guardian ad litem?
I’m not 100% sure, but I would assume it was Phil Bryant, the Republican governor of Mississippi.
So I understand that the middle kid is screwed. He’s barely good enough to be at UCLA as it is and going abroad won’t help his marginal prospects. But it seems like the youngest kid is an actual talent and this could be devastating for him. The older kid is SOL because he’s an adult and signed with an agent, but…
Scary. At least the kid was near some of the better cardiology departments with the local hospitals. Hopefully he doesn’t need them much.
I’m glad this article included the only two words needed to confirm how fruitless this search is becoming: Lane Kiffin.
Why is that a relevant point to this article? Aren’t most readers of this site supportive of LGBTQ rights and support others coming out on their own terms?
Haha. Exactly! I just got back from a month of vacation in Asia that was capped with Shanghai for the VS show. A good friend of mine’s sister was walking and she is many things, but dumb isn’t one of them. She also just bought a pretty awesome apartment in downtown Manhattan (that I sure can’t afford!) too so somehow…
As a basketball fan with ears, Bill Walton is an American hero. I’m already watching the game, but I didn’t know shit about Tillicum Bridge.
Trump was probably pissed since he wants to waste all his time on the golf course instead of being the president. Can Tiger even make it through an entire round of golf anymore with his back?
This is laughable! Any company that hires Malia will be lucky to do so and clamoring for the opportunity. Her blowing smoke rings shouldn’t, and won’t, negatively impact her at all.
“Is some southern mess...I’m from Maryland.”