
No, you’re right. It’s not strange for her to defer in political matters. It just makes the whole piece farcical as it’s intended to promote the “modern, Muslim woman”, but actually she can’t talk about politics because her husband is part of a theocratic family that rules with absolute power over their own

Unfortunately, the reality is that she is a Saudi woman and one beholden to a high-ranking male member of the Royal Family. She knows that despite what Jezebel and the Western press may rosily parrot here, her “role” is dictated completely by the whims of the men around her. Undoubtedly, the Royal Family approved of

No, brother! As a fellow (I’m guessing) man, the point is to illustrate how vital and necessary women are to the workforce (and society generally). That illustration is magnified when men show up as allies and also affirm that these women, and their equal place in society, are worth fighting for. I struggle with this

Controlling regional access and trade of foreign states for your own interest is textbook neocolonialism. Check out the definition maybe: “the use of economic, political, cultural, or other pressures to control or influence other countries, especially former dependencies.”

I’m going to blow your mind. When country names change, the border disputes that existed and ill will don’t go away. That is the historical name and brings in more historical context which is obviously necessary considering your reply. And it’s a matter of national pride for both countries. The earlier idea was that

Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam aren’t tiny backwaters with no economies of their own like Trinidad and Tobago and St. Kitts.

We hear you here in Raleigh!

China doesn’t need to “invade”. It’s about controlling regional trade and projecting military might. You might be familiar with the term neocolonialism from our own US history of it.

Hey! Foxtrot Alpha used to have that “deep and probing analysis” you’re talking about.

It’s because Foxtrot Alpha is no longer Tyler Rogoway. He was always open and clear that his personal politics were liberal, but his military analysis was reasoned and nonpartisan. Sadly, many of the best commenters with military and military industry experience have left also as the quality of the articles has

No, it’s defending a whole region of allies from the threat of that (illegal) sandbar. Analogies are hard.

China and Russia have their own quarrels to settle and the Sino-Soviet border (and conflict) aren’t to be underestimated.

It’s best to rationally estimate your opponent.

You guys shouldn’t even get to use the Foxtrot Alpha name after Tyler left. I just spent one of the past weekends at retirement ceremony for SO’s father - full bird colonel and JAG. He also is elected Democrat locally and hates Trump. I sent him this article and even he scoffed. I thought FA was supposed to be

Yeah, the difference is that the Tea Party obstructionism actually obstructed. Sadly, them Dems don’t have the legislative power for their tantrums to be anything other than just that.

Thanks for sharing the song. I enjoyed it. But in what world is that hard rock? When I looked them up just to make sure I wasn’t crazy, they self describe as “a danceable, delightfully mutated mix of American surf, garage-rock psychedelia and the emotive, snaky crooning of Khmer folk music.” Definitely checking them

Can you work remotely?

Do you live in Wisconsin?

Yeah, I’m 5'9" and weigh 159 right now and I still am trying to work on muscle definition (aka am gym fat). Being that height and 300 pounds just isn’t healthy for any person. In my direct post-college fatness glory I did make it all the way up to 188 before I realized I needed to match stouts with squats.

To be fair to Trump (ugh, why?), he does at least have way better education than most of his supporters. In fact, my biggest solace in his terrible administration so far is knowing that he secretly detests all of his supporters and all the rich and famous people he wants to be friends with in NYC hate him in return.