
Oh, come off it. Of course the US isn’t perfect, but it’s pretty inarguably the #1 nation by almost every (major) metric and global immigration numbers show that it’s still the place people want to go. Criticize all you want because I think that is good for all of us, but you seem either disingenuous or lacking in

I guess the tag Media Meltdown refers to yourself? I usually like your pieces and agree with your assessment of Trump, but how clowny for one journalist to snipe at another for doing their tradecraft. I mean, you travel in snarky posts so I guess this qualifies, but why wouldn’t a political reporter report on whether

Plus, you know, with all the federal military assets, you’re already occupied by the US he moment you secede. Damn, I’m jealous of the days when only idiot Republicans in Texas talked about seceding.

I think the key word is Democrat. They’d give Ben Carson a pen.

Not that this is a good reason on its own for us to change how we conduct ourselves, but you’re wrong about what the refugees want when leaving a theocracy. Perhaps you should acquaint yourself with studies about immigrant populations then and see what they really believe:

On the surface I agree and lord knows it’s always fun to point out the hypocrisy of others, but if most of his executive orders so far are basically in diametric opposition to executive orders they saw as unconstitutional, their base will most likely just see this as resetting the playing field rather than engaging in

Wow, really? That’s amazing! Considering scientific consensus is that homo erectus evolved in Africa 1-2 million years ago and gradually spread out over the earth, this is really impressive. What species are you, computer user? It’s so great to meet another sentient lifeform.

Well, don’t worry too much. So far the US has only taken in 10,000 Syrian refugees so we’ve never really been a big factor on the numbers in Europe.

Trump is even worse though than his hellish advisors. At least I can grant the people around him that they actually believe this crazy stuff. Trump was a democrat in NY his whole life with access to best education and life experiences. He knows all this shit he’s doing is terrible and he doesn’t even agree with much

None of these orders are about sending anyone back. Good gracious, do even the bare minimum of research. It’s all orders about restricting future immigration (all from places where we already have visa restrictions by the way). The wall bill utilizes old legislation too so there’s really nothing new here.

I despise (and voted and marched against) Donald trump. But what do these specific executive orders do to “burn our country to the ground”? All these do are add more restrictions to counties already under visa restrictions and use old legislation from Bush’s time to get good news stories for his base about starting

I was raised by my grandparents. Lost my grandfather last year, but thankfully still have my grandmother. I think it’s tremendously gracious of you to try to reach out to your friend. Nothing will be more important than your words of support. To me (a guy, for what it’s worth) flowers weren’t very important except for

Yeah, you certainly are smarter than Michelle Obama. I totally imagine you have a more nuanced and informed plan for moving the progressive cause forward than the wife of our President Barack Obama (D).

As an ex political staffer. We just laughed and joked at the poor sap who had to answer those calls. I promise, they do nothing. I did executive fundraising and unless you were writing checks, your opinion was worth jackshit.

No...but this is an article about fashion.

Is slut-shaming cool now when it’s someone you don’t like? a stretch.

There are national security interests to having a robust industrial capacity within our own borders. Even if it’s robotic.

Why can’t she smile? Even Trump is smiling.

Lol. “I know someone who’s brother is a paid attendee.” I hate Trump, but this is like all those reports of paid Dem protestors. It’s a better story than reality.