
A military force gets built up to defeat a terrible fascist enemy, and the very second it becomes convenient, they became just as evil as the villains they won a war against. See also: the victor of every war ever, in real life and in fiction.

The tone policing is real.

All these people: “oh my god these people facing genocide are being so unpleasant about it and ruining my video game, god, I just wanna ignore their plight and loudly have fun with my video game that profits from hatred stop making me feeeeel baaaad while you die.”

I see what you’re doing, but all you’re accomplishing is the very thing I’ve called out in my original comment and in other replies below. You’re twisting the issue to make me sound insensitive to the plight of the Trans community when that’s not it at all.

Incorrect, I’m upset at the fact that the people screaming the loudest and threatening people for even considering playing the game are not doing anything productive to further their cause and instead making themselves look worse and in-turn bringing harm to the cause.

Yes, you are correct, purchasing non-Wizarding World products does not give money to JK Rowling. Protesting the sale of those items in an effort to stop manufacture or get them off of shelves entirely DOES prevent her having more money.

I understand not wanting to support anti-Trans billionaire JK Rowling 1,000%. I’m not defending any part of that revolting cunt’s war on the Trans community.

Colonel Autism got a promotion? Good for him!

I get OP’s confusion. The article they link to from the first words of this article says that ‘wife guys’ are men who got famous for things their wives did (which tracks with the Wiki definition: and then provides a bunch of examples that make them all seem like sexist leeches.

When you first get this card you might be excited. America is a 6-cost/9-power card that always shows up on turn six, which is usually the last turn of most Marvel Snap games. And yeah, it’s nice knowing a powerful 9-power card is definitely going to show up at the end of your match. But this also means she’s not

The show pretty perfectly captured the She-Hulk comics IMO - this is the exact sort of thing you can imagine happening there.

I didn’t get a Community notification for this.

He’s conflating representation and talent. Everyone deserves the former, he’s never demonstrated the latter.

Genuine question: Why are you going to spend your time and money to see this movie?

wow I didn’t realize how much I’d miss Perkins

a teenage named Jaime Reyes —> a teenager named Jaime Reyes

The review merely says it’s a significant deviation from the games, and that the cruelty displayed might actually be a plus, if not for the fact that the writing is bad and a misuse of the budget. Which makes your complaint confusing. Unless...

Did you have that joke prepared since the Iraq War, and, not having a good

The disparity between how the media has reported on Ukraine’s defense, in comparison to coverage of Arab resistance efforts like the Palestinian people’s desperate attempts to stave off Israel’s apartheid state, has also been a major conversation outside gaming.

Holy crap, can you please not feed into the whataboutism? At least not yet?

Issue with oral agreements isn’t that they aren’t valid, it’s that it can be hard to prove what the terms were.