
That’s literally their agent’s job tbh.

I mean, AV club doesn’t really do much in the news department these days, and they definitely don’t have red hot comic book movie news to shoot up your butthole, so I’ve somewhat moved on from AV Club.

Agreed. There is so much hilarity to be mined from Dakota’s tour and this article gives zero context

She’s a bigshot SIS/MI6 agent, which she says multiple times in this episode.

You know, the bounty count would be higher IF THEY FIXED THE BUG WHERE CAIJ WON’T GIVE THEM

Perfect! It also works because he can’t remove them from the HBO Max library.

His first name is David, and Zaslav is a pretty eastern European name... so while he’s not famously Jewish, it’s not a big step in logic to consider that he might be Jewish.

I’m all in for mocking Zaslav, but making a 3 ghosts of Christmas joke about a Jewish guy seems... weird I guess? Like they’re probably off bothering Billy Graham or some shit. If anything, you’d probably want the Leviathan to show up at his Hannukah party or something.

Agreed. And it’s cowardly he limited comments on his post (so basically it makes it look like his “call out” made Gilroy change his mind).

No one in the crowd is booing you, sir. They’re saying “Boo-rsanti! Boo-rsanti!”

No Way Home was the best movie of Phase 4 IMO, but Dr. Strange was second. Anytime Sam Raimi is directing a movie it’s a delight, and we got a Sam Raimi movie (most of the issues I have with it are script-wise, and Raimi did not work on that).

Now this is the old AV Club commenter humor that I miss!

Honestly, that’s pretty spot on. Harmon admitted to being diagnosed with Asperberger’s (which I think is just general autism nowadays).

I’ve always been the type of person who tries to be positive. Sure, sometimes I like to shit on things every now and then, but I don’t think that a GOTY list (where you’re supposed to celebrate THE BEST of what you played) is the place for that. You have a bunch of games that are unique and interesting that the author

With all due respect, the list of Ragnarok criticisms seem like things you were trying to FIND to not like. Devs set the boundaries of their games; if you didn’t like it that’s fine but it’s weird to put a long list of complaints in your “Game of the Year” list. What if Kratos set off to become a world class chef

Thanks. I did not see that. If that’s true I assume it’s just a spec/treatment.

I think the author fucked up here. Gunn’s tweet says:

> Among those on the slate is Superman. In the initial stages, our story will be focusing on an earlier part of Superman’s life, so the character will not be played by Henry Cavill.

That’s the closest thing to “James Gunn is writing a Superman script.” I highly doubt

I haven’t really been reading the AV club’s reviews of She-Hulk, but are they really just 90% recaps of the show now? This was a tough read.

I got a Community notification for this? 

It’s a joke about the movie RR and John are currently working on, Imaginary Friends . Also works as a double entendre.