
Yeah that’s kind of me being an airhead and not using common sense. Of course he’s not going to gain 600 pounds for a role. He definitely did gain some weight however. Thanks for the quote! 

The whole thing about Brendan Fraser taking this role was that he GAINED WEIGHT for the role. If you watched Doom Patrol (or even No Sudden Move) you could see the weight gain. I don’t think he was using a fat suit (I could be wrong!) but he certainly gained weight for The Whale.

> I know the queen’s favor holds a lot of sway, but come on. It strains credulity that he’d come back from that kind of public display of unsanctioned violence without losing his head, let alone his position.

You’re thinking of John Walker, not Ari

TBH the last person I want talking about SW canon (and wouldn’t you know it, he’s being hyperbolic) is the shittiest writer on this site who snarks at every damn thing for no reason.

Outside of Spider-Verse, none of the Sony Spiderverse films have been urgent post-SM3.

No because that’s Ian Crapo Crap House bullshit at work. Peak bullshit was when he reviewed the PS5 and wrote about how shitty the world is instead.

They reposted stuff from AU without David’s consent.

It’s because it broke out of its “angsty SERIOUS teenage generic CW drama” tv show origins into “absurd over the top hilarious superhero comedy where the writers’ room is clearly doing some of the hardest drugs known to man but gave the even harder drugs to the Doom Patrol writers” TV show. Definitely a lot of charm,

Look I am a huge Star Wars fan and I totally disagree. Star Wars fans hate Star Wars (lol). Many of the guys who are totally in love with Snyderverse actually seem like a subset of the shittiest shits from the Fandom Menace (the right wing segment of fans who hate Kathleen Kennedy and the sequel trilogy because they

> And Flash gets bonus points for carrying forth a similar quality level over three times the number of episodes.

If we’re talking CWverse, then I would easily give it to Legends’ 3rd season. I think overall that Wandavision was better than S1 of the Flash. Peacemaker comes pretty damn close though

No I’m pretty sure THAT was Peacemaker.

Did anyone notice that Murn-Fly was watching Chris at the end playing piano? He’s in a window reflection watching from John’s left.

I will kindly state that you are overthinking a show that got a fictional version of John Noble to imitate the demon he was voicing and that just had a low-level slap fight between two different versions of Zari that was backed with over-the-top epic music and utilized slo-mo.

re: Victory Lap- That and maybe, just maybe, they’ll bring him on as Constantine in the HBO Max show. I honestly don’t see Legends making it past another season because of the CW sale either.

Gwyn probably.

Now playing

Temeura actually talked about this before, so it’s not surprising that he’s bringing more Maori customs into the character-

> It now seems clear that the whole point of Fett’s time with the Sand People (a few years, apparently!) was solely to function as his character development. He was a lone wolf, cold-blooded killer until these humble desert nomads taught him the meaning of family. It’s a true testament to how insufficient the show has

Greg’s lust for human flesh? I mean it’s robo-Gary but it’s acceptable to screw up his name I guess.