
Four episodes left? Thought it was three.

He’s coming back. In the comics he loses his eyesight after Maya shoots him (for a while at least) but he’s still the Kingpin. But just blind.

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LMAO I literally just posted about this and didn’t see this comment. Reposting his death for no apparent reason.

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When Jango is decapitated by Samuel L. Jackson’s Mace Windu, Boba sees it happen and is there to sorrowfully hold up his ersatz father’s severed head (still stuck in its chromed-out helmet).

Wow I got a Spider-Man notification for this? Let me know when you guys write about Bully Maguire ok? 

It speaks volumes that the current TV Superman (from the CW no less) is not only better material, but also more loyal to the comic book character of Superman than ZS’s version.

I don’t think this is unreasonable to believe but I think there’s a reasonable explanation for this. We know that the Red Room was finally destroyed in ‘16ish, but that the remaining Black Widows survived. There’s an 8 year gap period for Clint to figure out this information and deduce that some Black Widows were

TBF I’m also a lawyer, but yeah the way Popehat puts it is the best way.

Here’s the legal explanation of RICO-

It’s not really a secret. A bunch of current AV Club writers have been tweeting about it.

I do miss the old days. But at least guys like Dennis are still around.

It looks pretty good, and I’m looking forward to it.

Legally speaking, while he’s probably off the hook for the actual shooting, he’s probably liable as a producer.

The Caldwell stuff is groan-inducing? He’s being set up as a foil to Dexter so he’s EXTREMELY interesting.

The first few seasons had good killers because they entangled themselves in Dexter’s life. Ice cream truck killer is basically what would have happened to Dexter if he wasn’t raised by the Code of Harry. Trinity

This is Spider-Man, emissary of Hell erasure!

I postulate that it wasn’t just the hair color, but the fact that too many people saw Road to Perdition without watching Layer Cake.

I always just thought of it as “different producers, different continuities” and that one day, if I wished hard enough, we could get an animated crossover a la “Into the Spider-Verse”

FINALLY, I found someone who likes Roger Moore as much as I do. 

Yeah, Jewishness is weird in that it’s a religion, but there’s ethnicity at play too. You can be Jewish but not look like the standard Jew- for example, I have two friends whose wives converted to Judaism; one Chinese and the other Irish. Both 100% Jewish, but definitely not meeting what you’d expect from the

I’m calling this gutpunch theory the Ted Wedding.

> Billionaires usually don’t become billionaires by allows emotion to drive their decision making.