
I will enjoy the anti-SLAPP discussion around this lawsuit.

After reading the comments here.... I forgot how hipster and minutely contrarian everyone on this site sometimes can be.

And I’m sorry Lindsey we’re out of time.

I feel the same way (and I’m also Jewish!).

But in IW Thanos doesn’t get the time stone from Strange until they go to Titan (ie the second to last stone). So how did he get it in this universe if Strange is already a zombie?

So this was the first What If episode I watched (I had heard mixed things, and the animation looks rough, but nobody would stop me from watching ZOMBIES) and.... wow this was not it. Literally 10 jokes a minute, which was way too much. The dramatic beats hit.... and then you’d hear another joke. It was like a parody

First off, I’ve really enjoyed 99 this season, and I definitely thought these were the better pair of episodes this season. No offense to the writer, but it doesn’t seem like he was ever a 99 fan?

In a movie with sooooo soooo many problems, Alden was ultimately one of the least problematic things in the movie.

This is literally the stupidest thing I’ve read about this week and is making me wonder whether this was Sony execs or Richards putting his thumb on the scale.

I agree with everything you said, but I didn’t like Leia’s spacewalk. Not because she shouldn’t be able to do it, but because the effect looked so cringeworthy (I do agree that she should be able to do it... it just looks so bad).

It’s so damn weird that TLJ has become a political hotspot for politics.

Yeah I think that’s definitely a good thing! Bringing back Sarah/Linda was definitely the right choice and elevated the movie for me.

Although, if we are going with strong female lead/ characters, I think that the most recent Halloween 18 did that much better than DF (and I really really really loved 18).

I hate to be at risk of the guy going “herp derp John Connor” but Dark Fate... only felt ok. Like I hated the movies post-T3, and T2 is literally one of my favorite sci-fi movies of all time (and possibly one of the best “buddy cop” movies of all time). I also really like Arnie as an actor.

Damn I realized I was being redundnat.

Considering how there’s a major outcry from environmental groups over how sharks sustainability is low due to shark fin soup, I think this is not the best suggestion.

I do not know who else you would have been implicating

I did not read much into Bucky or Sam being gay/ having a relationship when I watched the show. This might just be me being out of the loop, but I didn’t really recall seeing that as much of a discussion either on social media(other than Sam/ Bucky having a great bromance).

Mackie has played Sam in 6 movies and a TV series. He absolutely has good authority over who Sam is. Implying that his perspective is low value because he’s not the writer/director/Kevin Feige is an illogical argument.

This is correct. I’d also add that the UN isn’t considered the best source (see- heavily biased) for findings when it comes to the Israel/Palestine conflict.

This whole finale was bizarre and it seemed like it was written not knowing that this would be the finale.