
Shocked that the entire roundtable didn’t discussed the significant rumor that part of the plot was cut because of reshoots/COVID19. According to the rumor the Flag Smashers goal was to release a virus that killed the people who got snapped away and came back.

Yeah. Walker getting hired by a lady known in the comics as Madame Hydra isn’t exactly the way to end a “redemption arc.”

Either way, I don’t think that he was ever on a redemption arc, but put on a downwards spiral. The last episode just reminded us that Walker is more nuanced than we (or in particular, this

If Andrew Koji is in this as Storm Shadow, then at least the action will be good. Warrior was such an underrated show, and he’s such an underappreciated action star.

Somewhat surprised that the article is being quiet over Wyatt Russell. Sure, if you know the comics, you know who he is, but it also says in the credits who Wyatt is playing.

Honestly, you are spot on the money blaming Lucas’ direction for the poor performances by established actors. However, I think the answer for the bad performances is much simpler than plotting. For the prequels, Lucas would do takes of each scene once or twice and call it a day. That’s unacceptable if you’re looking

You’re being far too generous to the author, who seems to take Chapo Trap House as his bible. 

Backing this 100% for PS4. I have had the game freeze on me twice, textures coming in at low res, Miles appearing in uncostumed scenes as only a head without clothes (!!!!), terrible slowdown, voices not loading in at all (try having a cutscene where Prowler isn’t saying anything without closed captions!).

Oof a lot of nitpicking in the comments. I think that this is my least favorite ep so far, but it was still a good episode of TV. I am concerned that Mando isn’t feeding Baby Yoda enough (or that he has the appetite of a cat, my cat who wants to be fat specifically).

Either therapy, or stop listening to Chapo.

Can’t say I’m surprised at the tenor of this article considering the fact that Ian is a Chapo fanboy.

Completely fucking useless commentary poorly disguised as an article. 

Hunt for the Wilderpeople is my favorite Taika film. Glad it’s streaming for people who haven’t seen it yet! 

In the biz, all the cool kids call Peraltaing Abeding.

Worshipping Bernie, but shitting all over the other candidates, any of whom would be a better choice than the baby kidnapper and jailer we currently have? You do realize that this isn’t The Onion right?

Also I suddenly remembered why I don’t come here as often to comment even though I’m pre-Kinja/ whatever the original

That is a very very fair point.

Weird, for reasons already stated in the comments, but not as weird as the main actress being a vocal supporter of the Chinese government.

But definitely not as weird as Disney’s “mediocre remake of classic cartoon” fetish they have going on rn.

The opening line of this article reminds me of a dril tweet:

Ok so good, we agree that what you’re arguing about is that other campaigns have shitty supporters that aren’t highlighted. Glad we got that understanding cleared up.

So you’re saying “What about the other toxic supporters from other campaigns?”

Well, Taika did recently say that if nobody criticized any of his films, then he knew that he must have something wrong.... that’s probably the only praise I can give this piece.

My main point isn’t about KHive, it’s about how your post, in a reactive way, randomly pivots from Bernie to Kamala. It’s nearly whataboutism.