
Since I’ve gotten a few very.... erm, defensive comments (all from pending approval waiting commenters), I’m going to leave behind some of the people that were mocking Ady in responses to his Warren support. (FYI the last one is from Matt Bruenig, a progressive internet pundit who is a Sanders supporter and well

Pivoting from Bernie’s toxic supporters (who have literally been calling Pete “Mayor Buttplug,” among other lovely shit, even though I don’t like the guy, mocking Ady Barkin’s ALS) to Harris’ toxic supporters (??????)..... man that’s a take.

giant menacing Furby? Do not talk about your lord and savior, Beebo, like that! Praise Beebo!

What about Deborah Chow? She seems like an up and coming director and doesn’t deserve this shit.

After all, what are the Oscars if not an awards ceremony to award the best movie about Hollywood?

What about Zhao Shushen? She was terrific.

I can dig it.

Get rid of most of the Leia footage IMO. It didn’t work.

It still blows my mind that JJ couldn’t think of anything better for Billie in IX other than “background character” and “Carrie Fischer stand-in.” For a movie trilogy that was remotely concerned with familial legacy, you could at least given Carrie’s daughter a bigger role. AND SHE’S A GOOD FUCKING ACTRESS TOO

Praise Beebo!

Soooooooo, I don’t understand the hype on both sides of Joker. It’s not a terrible movie like the AV Club believes, it’s not an incel movie, but it’s also not an amazing piece of art? Like Joaquin deserves his nomination, but it’s also kind of formulaic, average direction, and he kills Bruce’s parents again, because

Dang, can’t believe the review glossed over my boy Kuiil. Pretty solid character for a 2 and a half episode character. Kuiil deserved 2+ paragraphs or more. He has spoken for the last time :(.

As for whether or not this could have been a movie.... I mean, maybe. There was supposed to be a Boba Fett-rumored movie for a

I thought that this was a joke comment.... but indeed there is a reboot of Magnum PI that is currently airing.

That’d be Black Lightning/The Warriors/Dexter’s James Remar.

You’re right. He was indeed Flass. Mea culpa.

Yeah same! He was also Harvey Bullock in Batman Begins.

> The Shawshank Redemption’s Clancy Brown

Excuse me, but that is The Clone War’s/ Spongebob’s/Shawshank Redemption’s and THE voice of Lex Luthor, Clancy Brown.

Fun fact: Clancy Brown was also the voice of a rival Mandalorian rival of Jango Fett in Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. Pretty neat that he pops up whenever Star Wars

> It’s a shame that the new Jumanji movie isn’t great,

A Vish C is like a regular critic’s B, so... 


At least she didn’t have Mando running around in heals from the AT-ST