
Hey folks. I just wanted to drop in and say thank you to everyone here for all the kind words, and also for reading what I’ve written at The A.V. Club these past nine years. I know I wasn’t always the most consistent presence in the comments, even before the Kinja transition, but I dipped in fairly regularly, and for

I'm friends with someone who got staffed last season so I'm hoping it goes a *little* longer for her sake.

“Can I have an ORDINARY household task? One that you’d PROBABLY want to PUT OFF?”

You throw shoes at the TV, of course they think you’re asking for a reboot.


Honestly, I think there’s some “a rising tide lifts all boats” thinking going on here. Good superhero films make people excited about superhero films. Bad superhero films feed fatigue for the genre. I’m guessing it’s only diehard fans of each company who care about the difference between DC and Marvel; there’s

I find it ironic that VW0 is calling Gunn an edgelord for jokes about Aquaman fucking fish but ignores “Granny’s Peach Tea” in BvS. At least the former is meant to be a joke.

Don’t Look Up was preachy and unsubtle which, hey, maybe some people need that to get a fucking clue about climate change and misinformation, etc. even though the likelihood of this movie being watched by people who aren’t already liberal is pretty small. But ok, let’s say that’s who you’re aiming for. Then at least

I disagree. It’s not going to be 100% comics accurate, but he’s got the comedic chops to pull off a LOT spin on the character.

I don’t think anybody ever claimed that getting vaccinated would mean you couldn’t catch or spread COVID, just that it reduced the likelihood dramatically, which is still true. I don’t think any experts have ever said straight up that cloth masks don’t work, just that they’re not as effective as N95's, which is still

Gwynn was supposed to die when he first activated his time machine, so yeah, he no longer has a role in the timeline that he needs to get back to.

Here’s a NY Times article written by a lesbian woman who appears to strongly disagree with your assertion, so how about you pipe the fuck down with the “everything I don’t like is rape culture and everyone who disagrees with me is a rapist” Twitter hysteria.

I’ve heard it’s just an hourlong preview for Obi-Wan and at the end a title card appears that says “Through the clue provided by the Hutts, the Republic rapidly figured out the Pykes’ whole plan and arrested all criminals, successfully preventing war on Tatooine.

I hope next week’s episode of Boba Fett is actually just a new episode of Fringe.

What’s his big crime? Having a shitty awkward date where he tried to take things further three times while they were already fooling around naked in his house and then sending his date home when she finally properly communicated her discomfort to him?

I’m of the belief that you could completely remove Tom from P&R

When Boba Fett made his underlings move to Mos Espa did he give them cost of living raises? 

Maybe I was too vague, because that’s not it at all.

There’s no one specific thing, just a general seething anger I have for that brand of leftism that, wittingly or not, opened the door for full-blown fascism because they wouldn’t support a centrist for president even though the alternative was literally the worst person alive.

Which led into Brian Michael Bendis’ incredibe Underboss/Out storylines in Daredevil 12-18 months later. Amazing comics.