
I know that the AV Club is happy to dunk in Disney’s face, which is understandable, but the fans are the real losers here. Sony Pictures has proven to be handle anything beyond Spider-Man 2 horribly: prior to Marvel getting involved, they mangled 3, canned 4, produced 2 mediocre films and tried to build a Spidey shitty

Lobo on Legends of Tomorrow please?

Also I’m still surprised that they made this show. I’m not really digging the “comic book character gets a prequel show that they’re not in” genre.

I’ve only watched the pilot, and all I could think throughout was: the last version of The Tick did most of this, especially the satire, better. Skewering famous heroes (Antony Starr is the best, but Superion was a much much more interesting Supes clone) and tropes, writing, sense of humor, mopey protagonist, menacing

Well this is.... wow. I really don’t know what to say here (I was initially madder, I thought that they literally took Del Toro’s Hellboy 3 script and rewrote it, but they just rewrote a script only they had started working on and hadn’t finished, which Del Toro didn’t work on.... which is still not good). But we’ve

My friends were dead set on seeing it! Also the AV Club gives their D+s to things they like, like Dredd. 

I dunno man. I saw Lion King with some friends last night and boy today’s offerings don’t even come close to making up for that mess.


Seriously, give to a show that deserves it, like Ducktales.

I think the Deadpool writers lifted your joke for the movie for a small gag.

It’s hard to bitch about the technical nods, like opening credits and costumes, that Thrones got (except for The Longest Night, like how can you give that best directing???), but some of the acting awards are extremely questionable especially since the material was not good (Kit’s acceptance speech: I don’t want it

Steve’s reaction to this, especially in the circumstance that he’s in at that moment, is gold.

Also, it’s OK to call out the AV Club over their shitty “I don’t like that Neverending Story Moment” article. They’ve somehow outsourced their dumpsterfire hot takes (Sheriff Hopper this season is doo-doo) from The Takeout to

Agreed! I can’t believe that she was chosen over other spiders who tried out for the role! 

* Bad grammar? Check.
* Poor spelling? Check.
* Unusually low intelligence for an AV Club poster? Check.

Who knew that that one Community gif could accurately summarize the 2016 election?


Is this a D+ or a Dredd D+?

Triple Frontier is in the meh category. For a movie hyped as an energetic heist, the pacing drags in the second half (to the point that I fell asleep).

Netflix swooping and taking care of this film does not inspire confidence. Their track record for feature films isn’t great. Off the top of my head, the only great movies that Netflix distributed were Beasts of No Nation, Roma and Always be My Maybe.

I guess Awkwafina joining a water based movie was inevitable......

There’s got to be a good water joke around here somewhere.

You want to know how to spot that this story was a hit job?

When Ronan Farrow, Jane Meyer, et al. did their exposes, they always contacted those accused of bad behavior for their response (yes, even Harvey Weinstein). This is pretty normal.

At no point did Babe contact Aziz. They didn’t even give him the courtesy that

In your cereal draft, you guys picked granola, kix and FUCKING RAISIN BRAN. Apple Jax are god damn gold in comparison to that shit.