
lmao wtf? The Dark Phoenix comic book story line goes all across the fucking galaxy, and Kinberg wants to make it a “dramatic, intimate, smaller film?” Meanwhile, the smaller film that should be centered around Jean is centered around..... everyone else? It has nothing to say about Jean and what she’s going through

Forgetting about the fact that Dark Phoenix reduces Jean to crying, hysteric and angry, as most reviews suggest, and not an introspective character study as the source suggests, maybe the movie flopped not because of its release date, but because its not a good movie? Or that they gave away a major plot twist in its

Foolkiller? The Foolkiller who was on Deadpool’s Mercs for Hire?

We may have had too much chocolate, but we all know when something tastes like shit.

Because WB thought that the best way to get their cinematic universe off the ground was to differentiate it from the lighthearted, not so serious Marvel movies. Snyder had done comic book movies before, tended to direct super serious and gritty movies, and had a working relationship with WB.

Ducktales is dope! Don’t give the AV Club shit for covering that. As a lover of both shows, they should be covering both if anything.

He didn’t need to apologize because he had previously apologized for them. It’d come up in interviews and he’d talk about how stupid and inappropriate they were. Instead, Cernovich falsely accused him of pedophilia, which is why we are where we are now.

No secret I’m a big fan of James, but I really do think that he’s a stellar person, regardless of his movie output. He consistently speaks up for what is right and is one of the few figures in Hollywood who I could consider as a role model. And what did he do when he was slandered as a pedo-molester? He apologized,

The Occam’s Razor answer of this is that George is really slow with the books and the internet is dumb as fuck.... So I buy what George is saying.

Nope, Jon is going to get fed up, and stab her in the back. Arya’s done with the revenge life and will probably wander the world and get some nice R&R.

I have a lot of criticism about the last season, but could you please not report on these trash clips from reddit? Not only are a lot of these clips missing context, but the fucking video takes the second actor for Barristan Selmy to make its point for over 30+ seconds. HE’S NOT BEEN ON THE SHOW FOR AT LEAST THREE

First off, Dexter has to be the worst ending for a TV show.... but it’s no Dexter. GoT last night was more like an elementary school math exam problem: D & D submitted the correct conclusion, but didn’t show their work, so they aren’t getting full credit. So if I was to compare to an analogous show, I’d say it’s

Could you at least quote the best line of the episode? “Quaacktu Barada Necktie”

Well I just figured out who should be cast as Snake in the Escape from New York remake....

The first thing I thought when I heard his shoutout was that he might have been talking about the second episode, precisely because he’s a creep.

Rumor is that it’s a mid-credits shot. Not like that’s going to help; doesn’t seem like the movie is getting a good reception with the fanbase.

Thanks! Wasn’t sure who it was but figured it out (I didn’t watch most of The Tick cartoon, which is why I didn’t know).

Which one was that? I honestly thought that The Duke might have been Chairface.

Respect Midnight! He is a good boy! 

The showrunner said it would be the last season, so I imagine that he has an end set already.