
I like the examples of Disney characters Feige gave. I realize that he’s not in the mainline Disney family per se, but that last example he gave made me laugh.

“Hmmmm, who are the most memorable and iconic Disney characters? Ones that are the most recognizable and would be devastating for Disney to lose? Well, let’s

I just want to note that Sean still has not placed Shaq on the Wall of Shame for not eating all the wings. Damn you Sean!

True, scary story: one time Trump told a little kid that he is Batman.

The only Batman that he could be close to emulating is the All-Star Batman who has sex with Black Canary after blowing up a bunch of goons on the dock while they are still burning (yes, there’s a version of Batman that is somehow worse than the

Mother forking shirt balls! You guys forgot all about The Good Place! 

That’s exactly what I thought about during the spaceship hallway  scene in Captain Marvel.

While I agree with what you’re saying, conflating populism and the Rotten Tomatoes score, along with IMDB scores, probably isn’t the best way of measuring it. I mean... just look at the debacles with the last season of Dr. Who and the pre-release of Captain Marvel. Those sites are vulnerable to gaming.

I do like

No comment on the awkward “My experience is darker” than your’s exchange towards the climax of the movie? If there was anything that bothered me about GB, it was that.

The Kroll Show. I watched nearly the entire second season, the third season started, and after that I binged the first season.

It’s not that the first season is necessary watching, but watching the Oh Hello guys doing their schtick for an extra season is totally worth it.

Are you dense? He literally makes a sweeping statement:

This is a major fail by Katie and any proofreader of this piece. Many of her sarcastic questions are actually answered in the article and transcripts/ recordings of the interview (I heard this line of questioning on XM this morning). Liam’s basically asked whether or not he can identify with the anger/ desire for

Narrator: It did end.

Keep your hands off of Yvette Huckabee, she’s a national treasure.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, that’s ..... not nice.

Venom’s right in front of a lit lobby (presumably the elevators). Then the lights are out and he’s in the middle of a plaza (no movement). The lighting is well behind him. Then he jumps up to the side, keeps moving up, is still moving.... and then jumps down back to the middle of the plaza. It makes no sense and is

I’m assuming that character development will be as good as the dialogue.

You know when critics argue that an action film lacks a sense of movement and space? This clip personifies the critique. Venom is literally teleporting from place to place in the clip, so it looks like a complete mess.

If the rest of Venom has the same trash cinematography as the clip, then there’s really nothing that

I knew he had drug issues in the past that he went to prison for, but didn’t know the circumstances. Thanks! 

Rosanne- Is CURRENTLY a racist, used “it’s just a joke” and “muh Ambien” excuses. Has a long, ongoing streak of racist, antisemtic, and Islamaphobic dipshittery. Did not own up to bad behavior, continues bad behavior.

Gunn- Made bad pedophilia jokes in the past (11 years ago!), but owned up to them and said that they

Good, I was highly concerned that Gunn would be blacklisted (because Disney seems to have their arms in everything).

Horn refers to Alan Horn, the chairman of Disney (he delivered the bad news).