
Maybe Neil and NARAS could take the advice of a certain artist who should have won Record of the Year and sit down and be humble.

She made a sarcastic joke on Twitter the other day that showed how lost she is. She responded to the report that Trump called McCabe’s wife a loser as “just how he talks.” Apparently, it was supposed to be a dry joke (according to her follow up comments), but everyone thought it was her explanation.

I think you wouldn’t forget Maggie Haberman, Trump’s borderline sycophant.

I always knew Tarantino was an asshole, but... not quite at this level. His behavior and treatment of Uma (along with Weinstein’s, obviously) is disgusting. There should be repercussions for Quentin’s absurd negligence.

“Quoting anonymous sources from the show’s production, THR claims that Gaiman butted heads with Green and Fuller about the series’ direction going forward, with the author allegedly balking at decisions that would have moved the second season away from a straighter adaptation of his 2001 novel.”

Huh? Did Gaiman not

Pretty sure that someone who references Clinton as “the lesser of two evils” as a complement probably wouldn’t realize that Michelle Obama said that.

You know... I don’t think it has. Seems surprising since you’d think the CW or a smaller cable channel would pick it up for syndication.

This is... completely out of the blue? Chuck was always flirting with cancellation (that’s why they brought in Subway’s promotions during the third season). After the fifth season, NBC ended it since it could be sold into syndication.

Not sure where a sexual harassment claim came from. I’ve never heard of one from

Uhhhhhh Lego Batman was robbed of a nod.

> Anything that’s a theory on Reddit now I guarantee was listed on that document.

ohhhh, so THAT’S why the internet was so upset over TLJ. 

The duel at the end is amazing........ Even with all the garbage before it, the fight is an amazing piece of choreography and cinematography. It certainly set the standard for lightsaber duels coming after it.

There’s a reason you haven’t heard of it: it was an Uwe Boll joint.

Counterpoint: Postal and Far Cry were Uwe Bole movies.

Countercounterpoint: Michael Bay’s production company is producing, and their track record isn’t stellar.

Very disappointing about JCVJ. I reeaaaaaallly liked it.

CSM confirmed he was Mulder’s father during the intro monologue (oddly enough, it’s only been heavily hinted at, but never confirmed). As to why they have two different last names... Samantha Mulder and her husband raised him.

It’s a terrific show IMO. I’d put it on my top ten shows for last year.

I’m pretty pissed that this episode retconned William to being the Cigarette Smoking Child. Fucking stupid and nonchalantly dropping that Scully was, you know, molested (even if it was IVF or whatever, it certainly wasn’t consensual).

Article correction: The Post says that his name appears THREE times, not two.

Literally my one grievance with the crossover was “Did you really interrupt Barry and Iris’ wedding so that you and Oliver can get married?” Felicity had a good moment during the crossover (standing up to the Nazi who was right about to execute her while she was defenseless) but that’s all I’m going to remember of her

The crossover was amazing! We saw pretty much everyone, ass kickings were had. I found the Stein Jax scenes especially moving, and his somewhat surprising death the saddest I’ve ever been during a show in quite some time... and I somehow managed to make it through GoT without freaking out.