
Shit just got real…. again.

Sorry, my rhyming skills checked out today.

E Six Six/The Number of my Seats/ E Six Six/ On the run from the Police

Huh? Diana's whole struggle is whether humans are good or evil. She isn't super deep, but her character has enough depth. She's super naive before she leaves Themyscira not understanding about the world off the island but by the end of the movie has lost that innocence and has a greater understanding of the world.

No actual internal struggle? His best friend has become a brainwashed assassin, Nick Fury is presumed dead, Steve feels out of place, and the people he thought he could trust turn out not to be so trustworthy. Meanwhile Cap has become a tool of SHIELD and by the end of the movie has become an independent hero who

…which is why Rotten Tomatoes also has an "average rating score" which calculates the average score from the review itself. For example, Wonder Woman and The Dark Knight got similar TomatoMeter scores, but TDK had 8.6 average score while WW had a 7.5. It gives you enough information to show that critics liked both

Expend the influence Lucas!

Can't wait until the Redskins are renamed by the Snyder family as the Washington Gun-Takers! Maybe Katie won't be so mad.

Former is Matal v. Tam and latter is Packingham v. North Carolina. Both are interesting reads, but Packingham is notable because Alito's opinion (I almost wrote Scalia, wow) gets recidivism rates wrong.

Wait, THAT was Jeremy Davies? I thought Jesus Prime looked familiar, but I've only seen him in villainous roles.

Turns out the protesters were two high profile alt-righters: Jack Probosiac and some dumb blonde lady that I can't remember the name of. Ben Shapiro called them snowflakes, which speaks for itself.

Also, Trump really is a stupid man's Lex Luthor.

The tag at the end telling us to watch Powerless on NBC and the NBC apps is a slap in the fucking face. Oh well, at least they released one of the missing episodes.

I find it an issue that McLevy devotes a full paragraph about how Putin has done a great job with the Russian economy, and doesn't have any corporate strings, but greatly waters down his other crimes (hence my language, watered down, as opposed to not saying anything). I think that if we're talking about Putin, the

"He murders journalists like Anna Politkovskya and dissidents like Alexander Litvinenko, jails his political opponents, but hey, at least the economy is improving" - McLevy.

I was about to respond with that. Plus Microsoft was hyping the XBONEX as a next-gen console (or made it sound that way, the marketing was confusing on this one).

Three incarnations of one console in 4 years? Why would you do that?

Sorry everyone, but I'm not going to congratulate an idiot who did nothing to campaign against Brexit, has allowed antisemitism to rise in his own party by failing to act, and didn't even win the election.

Since you arm-chair lawyer replied on this one with your very weak interpretation of the law and criticized me even though Celene is correct, I'm going to walk you through this.

The professor's filing is pretty much all bad law or a significant misunderstanding of what is going on (for example, he makes the argument that because the screening is all-female it's similar to gay bars not allowing straight people into bars. But for a one time only deal, specifically for one screen in a multiple