
Why would you assume OP has, or would ever have, kids? Could you imagine the person who'd be desperate enough to have a kid with OP?

*checks the Facebook discussion on the post*

Ah, the classic "I have nothing informative intellectually to contribute to this conversation so I will make a broad claim and follow it with a whataboutism" strategy. I'm sure that this will end well.

TBH I'd prefer her presence off the internet already if she's going for this racist clickbait troll crap.

If you know basic American PoliSci, you'd understand why you're comment is fucking dumb as hell. But you don't so I'll explain.

The audience clapping was the most surprising part of this clip (and maybe Sasse not walking off the stage).

No shit sherlock. Open mindedness prevents racism, and not all liberals are open minded… especially Maher.

… was a movie about this exact phenomenon!

Yeah. My fault for not being specific enough.

Katie is a regular next season. Rick and Juiliana are also regulars. Probably the rest of the OA gang. Barrowman is not returning however.

We know Black Siren survived, since Katie will be a regular next season, and Black Canary is still very very dead.

I guess The Rock really is going to have to run in 2020 in order to beat these politicians…. literally.

It's like the old saying "You have the freedom to speak your mind, but you don't have the freedom from consequences."

Jon's a classic neurotic Jew. He's definitely had breakdowns, but they never broke him completely, and they never will.

Anita, Jimmy does have a long play for Chuck, suspension or disbarment. Generally lawyers need to inform the bar that they have a mental illness (even something banal like ADD usually needs to be disclosed, but it varies state to state). By not disclosing his breakdown/ mental illness, Chuck has risked his status as a

Superman's unlikeable because of the script, which essentially makes him a superpowered toddler mixed with a mopey goth preteen. You could have Bomer do the same role and you'd probably have the same result.

If we're doing "understudy" casting, I'd definitely switch Matt Bomer and Henry Cavill. No one would notice.

Sure (although the jury's still out on the new Thor), but it's a step in the right direction.

It's not everything (no director, script) but it's the right direction.

A prequel series? An up and coming rising star with charisma? Not cribbing plot points from the actual video games themselves?