
Jason reported in his story that devs at BioWare were mortified when DA:I did well, because it validated management’s horrible approach to game development (basically, let a project stumble along aimlessly and then force the team to crunch for the entire final year and hope “BioWare magic” pulled things together at

Inquisition was the first Bioware game I couldn’t make myself finish, and I’ve done so for pretty much every RPG they developed since Baldur’s Gate (exceptions are that weird Sonic game and the smartphone stuff). Superficially DA:I had everything, but it felt... soulless.

I just hope the games industry has gotten this “we will also do Destiny, but slightly different” thing out of their system.

whelp...been 5 years...and they are almost caught up...

Something that bothered me was Arya’s decision. The writers had an opportunity to have a beautiful callback to Ned’s prediction for Arya’s future in the first season. And it would have made sense for Arya to abandon her childhood idea of being a loner after all of the heartache, hardships, and terrifying encounters

Every time I see an article from Jason, I rub my hands together and whisper:

Maybe we do need a civil war in this country, so the gun nuts can live out their fantasies of dying gloriously to preserve their freedom to kill other people, the same way that Civil War re-enactors (the intersection of the set of whom with the set of gun nuts is very large) have the fantasy of dying gloriously to

That’s it my son, let it all out.

I’m kind of obsessed with Halo Top. I agree...the texture is weird. But I’m a compulsive whole-pint eater, regardless of the calories, so I needed this product. I actually have cozies for ice cream pints, which is why I didn’t notice the instruction on the label that explains you’re supposed to let it sit out a bit

People didn’t get into the Mass Effect because it was “playable”, that game was a masterpiece! If you’re willing to pay the same price for an installment of the franchise and settle for less than that, its your choice but you don’t expect the rest of us who demand quality.

As a fan of 1-3, I can tell you, you are wrong. Andromeda is a pile of shit. I am not even talking about the animations or anything like that, but it’s not a Mass Effect game, the whole package from the characterization to the story to the retconning of Mass Effect lore, it was just a mistake and I hated it, I spent

I think if anything, the running commentary was too kind. This game was a complete drag and killed my passion for one of my previously favorite series of all time. Parade the fools in the street, I say

The writing in the game was awful. The writing was so terrible that an NPC essentially admits to you that the writers couldn’t think of a good reason for representing viability with a points system. The game is specifically set in an entirely new galaxy so that it can be billed as an ME universe story unconnected to was still 100% playable.

I really hate this narrative. Mass Effect is my favorite series, and suddenly I’m not welcome in the community because I hated Andromeda. The truth is I was just as excited for the game as anyone else, and I was incredibly let down. And now, on top of feeling that disappointment, my feelings are also being invalidated

Gamers killed a half-assed game, and they did good in doing so. They showed a giant dev that they can’t just throw shit at the wall of a popular IP and except money to pour off. Sure, ME was sacrificed for this, but the gaming community reacted in the best way possible. If you want people to pay for your product and

Oh, that. Eh. I felt like it was intended to reinforce the setting, this is a warzone, there is no reprieve, this is what people on Earth have been living with constantly while you’ve been kicking back in your luxury space cabin between missions. Plus, who doesn’t like shooting husks in a barrel?

this is what happens when you get greedy and/or fail to understand what made your product great. what made mass effect great was the story, the setting and the atmosphere. not having hundreds of blank planets to explore.

ask anyone that played the first 3 games and sure ... some of them will tell you that yeah,

The biggest problem with ME:A is the lower quality of writing. I was able to stomach the bad animations at launch, but the underwhelming character, story and dialog writing was the biggest crime of Andromeda. And we all should have seen it coming. ME3's DLC Omega was written and developed by Montreal, and it suffered