Journalistic standards are fine except when they stand in the way of the truth. Kellyanne went on AC’s show and shoveled truckloads of pure bullshit. It’s a disservice to his viewers to sit their politely and allow her to lie without remorse over and over again. Trump and his band of flying monkey’s have changed…
I believe she’s kept in a crypt under the White House, and Steve Bannon recites the Lord’s Prayer backwards in order to revive her, as needed.
No one is pretending that they weren’t most interested in continuing slavery, but the main concern was that the federal government was no longer equally representative of the south. The fear of losing their slaves was simply the manifestation of that concern; the foundation of their confederacy was preserving states…
Civil War wasn’t about slavery, it was about keeping the union together. Yes they rebelled due to the (incorrent) assumption the government was going to take the slaves away, but ultimately slaves we just a resource to the north. Fun fact: Republican wanted all mean free, democrats wanted slavery to stay. Oh how times…
Abandoned her superior officer to die in the interest of helping a lot more people.
Case in point: Bioware and the originally-unpolished game that was Mass Effect: Andromeda.
The video game industry tends to emphasize studio names, but the Bungie of 2017 is very different than the Bungie of 2004, and it’s important for gamers to be aware of that rather than blindly buying into marketing hype. I’m not trying to argue that one incarnation of Bungie is better or worse than another; I’m just…
I love all the designs, especially Kadara port. But Aya’s final game environment is drastically inferior to the concept art. It didn’t capture the architecture and opted for a very simple design and a very poor one. It end up being steel truss and canopies as opposed to the laticed structure over the waterfall, in the…
Responding to someone isn’t ignoring them, it’s quite the opposite. Going to the trouble of dismissing someone but then calling attention to what they’ve said just comes across as weird to me. It’s like the old “I just want you to be aware that I’m not talking to you and ignoring you.”
I guess it’s a better first impression than “Hi, we come from a galaxy which is repeatedly Reaped by cybernetic AI death machines every 50K years or so. We fled them to this galaxy, hopefully they don’t follow us or whatever. Also, we brought along a fast-breeding hyperaggressive race with 2 sets of lungs and 4…
If I had the money I would be interested in buying this game for pity’s sake.
There was a major fuck up here, obviously.
Ok...but there are jerks who are left-wing also. A political party has nothing to do with being a jerk to some girl online. People can be cruel regardless of their political backgrounds.
Funny, I just saw these at Target for the first time yesterday and was all “DAFUQ?”
I guess you didn’t get the memo, but Prompto is Noctis’ boyfriend.
What in the world? Why was my comment dismissed/greyed?
Kotaku pays people to write fan fiction? Fucking hell, where do I sign up?
I am not enthralled by the "activity" pictures. I don't need to see guys' flagrant display of wealth via pictures of exotic travel and/or extreme sports. It turns me off because I am 1) poor, and 2) neither a traveler nor sports enthusiast. Sure, there are women that are into all of that, but I was recently quite…