
Have you read/heard of the Southern Victory series by Harry Turtledove?

Nadal is the greatest male tennis player on clay, and that skews some of the head-to-head. But he also is several years younger than Federer, and I think that has to be considered, too.

Some of the origin stories are a lot less interesting than the stuff the characters might go on to do.

Do Amazons know about shrinkage?

I would rather have had a movie about Gaston growing up, sort of like Wicked, than a remake.

Yeah, it was the same thing with my kids’ daycare.

I can’t tell whether you’re being even more dry than occultwestern or you actually didn’t get that they were being facetious.

It’s open at 2:15 a.m.

I was actually referencing his more complete body of work, specifically this anecdote:

NBA players get criticized for overreacting when they use language like this, but the only difference between Donald Sterling and most other owners past and present is Sterling operated with less shame. He enjoyed having a cadre of athletic black men he could literally own and control. When one of those people is

Well, thank the Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, and others for their reporting.

I answered this in the other comment thread post, but it would have worked for the betrayal by Maul to be part of the plan. Palpatine would have worked to setup an opposing force not as a false flag but as another way to get power.

I started answering this, and it got a little out of hand.

Man, how much did the prequels ruin by killing off Darth Maul in the first movie instead of bringing him back increasingly mangled in the second and third?

I understand this logic, but it doesn’t really hold up. We subsidized food in part because the prices kept crashing when we weren’t paying farmers not to grow things, and we continue to in part because they hold outsized power, rather than the other way around.

A great after-credits scene would be Ryan Reynolds essentially narrating this same summary, with the camera jumping back and forth across images tacked to a bulletin board, like an Alt Shift X video, until the end reveal Cable sitting in a chair as Deadpool tries to explain Cable’s own official backstory to him, which

The real issue is the strange & archaic elevation of states as political entities to give them outsized political representation at the expense of cities & the federal population as a whole.

I think the world is finally ready for a movie adaptation of the video game adaptation of the Dark Horse crossover comic Robocop versus Terminator.

Who would you take out of the starting lineup in the West to fit Westbrook in there?

Plus, it’s not a knock on him that New England felt they could get something for him and traded him for future-producing things.