
The Church of Satan is an entirely different organization with a completely different agenda.

Dan Simmons, somebody has read your Hyperion Cantos. Come get your Shrike money.

Exactly. It’s amazing that changing such a small moment can have such an impact on the film as a whole. After Han takes his money, he’s gone. Luke even says to him “so that’s it? You’ve got your money and you’re just going to take off?” We don’t see him again until the moment he saves Luke from Vader. At that point we

Greedo is hardly an ‘innocent’ though - it’s established that he’s a bounty hunter who has no compunction bringing Han in dead. Han is acting in self-defence - if he hadn’t fired, Greedo would almost certainly have killed him. I don’t think that even puts him on the morally grey side, just the ‘out for himself’ side,

But that’s exactly the point - we’re not supposed to know Han is a good guy.

But that’s exactly the point - we’re not supposed to know Han is a good guy. I get that Lucas is dealing with archetypes, with obvious good guys and bad guys, but Han still fits into a mold - the rogue who turns out to have a heart of gold. We’re supposed to believe he’s out for himself, he says throughout the whole

At that point, Han isn’t a good guy. He’s a drug smuggler. He only becomes truly good when he returns at the end. He’s a shade of grey in an otherwise black and white universe.

He’s not a good guy at that point though. Han’s whole thing is that he starts off as a self-serving dick who only looks out for himself, then develops into a true hero by the end of the movie. 

Sanguinius is now a Disney princess and I am ok with this.

Respectfully, I used that phrase in the context of youthful Boomers, the eldest of whom were rather well-known for shouting phrases like “never trust anyone over 30", only to suddenly find the value of wisdom once they reached that halcyon age.

No, I suspect it’s probably the misreading I alluded to — it’s a story about young people defying a dystopia, which makes studios assume it’s another Hunger Games/Maze Runner sort of thing, but if you look closer, it’s actually the ideological opposite, at least in the novel. (The film can be taken as a back-to-nature

“Logan meets Jessica 6 (Jenny Agutter) and assumes she must prefer women to men when she resists his advances; it’s a tossed-off, casual observation that feels pretty remarkable for 1976”

The reason the film has endured is, at least in part, because it’s still so visually striking. The Oscar-winning special effects obviously look pretty primitive next to what we’re used to today, but they suit the film’s aesthetic and you can appreciate how advanced they were at the time.

Two tips for those who disliked The Last Jedi and feel compelled to make a post about how far-right trolls hated it all about them: yes, it is possible to dislike the movie and not be a far-right troll, but when the conversation is about the trolls and nobody has stated “all those who hated the film are right-wing

German army leadership and forces were actively complicit, and in many cases, enthusiastic participants in crimes against humanity. While yes, #notallgermanmen, the Wehrmacht were far from having clean hands.

Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

I really, really hope not. The show can be dark at times but I think it would be a little bit idiosyncratic with the overall tone of the show and with Saul Goodman’s overall persona in Breaking Bad. Then again, this is the best show on TV and one of the reasons it is (imho) better than Breaking Bad is that it has been

"I could envision the horrible, horrible female that was singing it"

Also, looking at that statement from Berman about integrating the Maquis, did the man understand dramatic tension? I mean, what's the point of making an opposition if they're not going to have actual conflict? I've heard the new Battlestar does well with conflict amongst the crew, although I still need to watch to