
Keep in mind that most people don't go from nothing to $850K a few years out of high school. As an NBA player, you're making all of the money you'll ever make but without the years of experience and maturity and likely responsible voices around you helping you budget and invest.

I quite expected to see this fellow again in The Last Airbender or especially the first and second seasons of The Legend of Korra.

I was convinced they deflated the balls a little bit because it seemed unreasonable to expect someone else to have done it or for Tom Brady not to notice after touching the football 70 times in a game.

These days /r/nba breaks as much news as Deadspin.

I'm now rooting for a Seahawks blowout like last year so that halfway through the third quarter Lynch can grab his nuts to his heart's content.

So, Morlun is basically Magog from Kingdom Come crossed with Jet Li from The One?

That's actually not a bad hypothetical: how many months in jail would you agree to serve for a free trip to see your team play in the Super Bowl (or whatever championship)?

Haw! And we've got the article topic off and illustrated.

Small fries, my favorite what is the women screaming about patriarchy and misogyny, especially when they're middle and upper class white women living in the first world.

The show is addictive. But what I can't stand is that the female characters — all of the female characters — exist exclusively to get fucked, pregnant, or threatened with rape (or actually raped).

As someone else said, moving Ma and Pa Kent to the American South would fix a lot (make them a mixed couple?). It would definitely give Clark incentive to protect the weak, and fight injustice from what he's seen and heard of from his parents/grandparents.

If you were going to relocate Xavier and Magneto to Africa, it would make more sense to me the other way. Magneto as a victim of apartheid, the systemic oppression of one group by another based on physical differences. Whereas Xavier would see Rwanda and the Hutu/Tutsi conflict as an example of how racial differences

It sounds silly when you talk about the dictator that was Josef Stalin. But it matches up pretty well with how the Western powers, even those that were previously at war with each other, reacted to Russia pulling out of the First World War and establishing a Bolshevik state.

Several people have already said 'Grendel' by John Gardner, which is the correct answer.

I really hated that book, mainly because it was the start of Anne Rice falling in love with her own creation instead of storytelling.

I thought it was the opposite: it was one of the latter scenes where they all knew each other very well, & were blowing takes in what was supposed to be a serious scene.

Regardless of this latest suspension, Gordon fucked himself over by getting a DWI and multiple positive tests for banned substances, which is why he missed the other 10 games this season.

I've never been able to enjoy a PewdiePie video, but I love Robbaz. And it seems like they occupy the exact same niche online.

The census is the Luke author's way to fulfill a particular prophecy: a guy known to be from Nazareth is supposed to be the messiah, and the Greek Septuagint translation of Isaiah makes them expect that guy to be 1) born of a virgin 2) of the line of David 3) from Bethlehem. So Luke says they traveled to their