
It's the textual evidence that seems so persuasive, though.

Maybe, but the people she's getting rid of she sees as invaders and scions of invaders. Their ties to the Earth Empire don't have roots deeper than 180 years at the most, right? Their identity & sympathies are going to lie elsewhere.

My girlfriend at the time was of the same graduating class as the University of Texas/Detroit/Dallas WR Roy Williams.

This is one of the reasons I love 'Justified' as much as I do.

It's extremely entertaining, despite most crimes being fairly low-level drug or escalated domestic disputes. Plans get messed up by someone walking in when they're not supposed to, or a door being locked when it was supposed to be open. It's the really big

Ours was penguins in the shower dropping a piece of soap, but the 'What do I look like: a typewriter?' Was the same.

Now playing…

I was just reading that bio. Any argument about physical strength is mostly irrelevant because the character is supposed to be 61 and past their prime, hence the armor.

All you need to do is change the he to she & use an older woman with a German accent. Literally everything else

It's a very narrow sort of realism.

In a crime show, murder is almost always going to be premeditated, circuitous, with misdirection and all kinds of stuff. And that's not realistic. Most every murder that happens is either a) spur of the moment criminal act, often domestic or b) something close to occupational hazard

Reinhardt would have been great piloted by a female character, purely to play against type (similar to how a monk robot does).

Pharah obviously looks awfully close to Samus Aran, though. That's not a bad thing, but it's amazing how few touchstones there are for female body armor that actually covers tits, and isn't

The threat of rape is just as bad.

It's defended as 'realism' or whatever, but every time a female character is taken captive or restrained, the threat of sexual assault is brought up to raise the stakes. And often, she'll be rescued just before this happens.

But male children aren't (often) threatened with rape, and

But, cops said, in many of the robberies, the man was unfailingly polite, often apologizing profusely to his victims.

That's really the perfect riff on the 'Alien' tagline, and would have suited 'Event Horizon' much better than the stupid 'Infinite Space / Infinite Terror' they actually used.

Yeah, but how does he stack up against Darren Sharper?

Did you seriously just compare repeated acts of rape to getting injured as examples of 'off field challenges'?

I'm usually completely on board the 'women's armor is needlessly silly & impractical' train.

Both things are true, tho.

That wasn't so much a gutsy choice as the least risky one, right?

It's entirely possible that he went full Winona & actually did this exactly as the police report claims, but that's really peculiar.

I don't see it, no.

But 'biologically female' is a concept not really supported by biology.

There are a lot of hyperlinks in there that may already answer this, and I haven't read any of them, but wouldn't this be the perfect case for a lawsuit?