Nope. I think commercial bacon already kinda sucks. Ill stick to curing it myself.
Nope. I think commercial bacon already kinda sucks. Ill stick to curing it myself.
I should probably learn more Mexican dishes. I do a pretty decent arroz con pollo, chile verde, and huevos rancheros but not much else. I should probably get working on carnitas for home street taco action.
I just checked the online order for Victorville and there is no trout. Just the catfish and haddock like Camarillo. I checked another location in Henrietta NY and they have the catfish, haddock and trout on the menu right now.
I go out for the stuff that I dont like to / cant make too. Sushi, Ramen, Pho, and fried chicken are my my usual outings. I know I should be able to make fried chicken but it just never comes out right. I cant find good Chinese food where we live now so I took up learning and have got pretty good with a wok as a result…
I went to the CB in Camarillo, CA and they didn’t have it. I asked and they said the fish stuff is regional. I know they have it in NY and OK.
I was intrigued by your comment and had no idea what provel was so i just looked it up. I have no strong feelings on its use for pizza consumption but it sounds pretty rad.
Good news. cant go wrong with deep fried pork. Now they just need to make the trout national instead of regional.
Our kids are pretty young and still ask for snacks and 99% we comply. Snacks for them are basically pretzels and crackers. Cookies, candy and frozen type stuff is classified a treat and regulated. Treats are kept out of reach but the snacks are readily available should they choose to do it themselves one day.
I havent seen OG Kinders with the full eggs yet. We have these weird half Kinder creme things you eat with a spoon.
Ugg disagree. Not having chocolate was the best part of Paydays. It was only the good parts of the candy bar.
I go the Zojirushi water boiler route. Keeps it nice and tea perfect at 195 degrees with an option to ramp up to a boil for noodles.
I dont think Twinkies taste good as an adult and I’m not sure if its that taste buds change or that Twinkies are just trash now.
I’ll be honest. Ive never been to any kind of food or drink festival that I walked out of thinking anything but “that was a ripoff” so I’d pass on this even without a pandemic going around.
Stone makes (or at least made) a really good enjoy by last year with pumpkin. I’m hoping to find it again this year. Big jack-o-lantern on the bottle.
I was too young to learn my grandmothers (both sides) recipes before they passed but I made sure to start learning my mothers recipes in my 20s. I can make a lot of it without looking now. I already started my kids on grinding herbs in the mortar and testing pasta for doneness.
“eat grape nuts or something”
A couple takes on this. First is the chicken biscuit in the photo is crap. I’m not sure why they didn’t just throw a half sized tender on a biscuit and collect money but the chicken is a huge disappointment in those things.
Depends on how they adjust the shell with the size increase. I assume you would need a thicker shell for structural integrity which would in turn fight the soggys. Plus depending on the meat wetness you can buy some time there too. I would certainly buy one to try one if I saw it.
Pics or it didnt happen.
They seem to be the same grind to me but I too attribute polenta with broth and cream and grits with water and butter.