For the record, we consider this to be an absurd naming convention and will refer to it in the way most normal non-marketing people would, in the same way we opt to, say, type “Watch Dogs 2" and NOT “Watch_Dogs 2.” This will no doubt irritate some.
For the record, we consider this to be an absurd naming convention and will refer to it in the way most normal non-marketing people would, in the same way we opt to, say, type “Watch Dogs 2" and NOT “Watch_Dogs 2.” This will no doubt irritate some.
Not to mention, seriously, Microtransactions in a 40 dollar game, blizzard?
I...don’t think you have played Overwatch.
Someone is trolling the establishment, competing in a different profession, and getting widespread media coverage?
Oh come off it, celebrities lie and people lie, everybody lies. I’m sorry but until there’s proof there’s no sense in believing something whole heartily. Not every man is a psycho rapist piece of shit, fuck you.
In other news, accusation of sexual assault is corroborated by the same accusation of sexual assault.
I’ve never personally had road rage, and I don’t quite understand it. Sometimes shit happens, and you just gotta roll with it right?
“I suppose you could go all Judgy McJudgerson on TaZzeRK for doing nothing but play a video game for six months,”
They won’t because that’s not true. Being offended is just as much a personal feeling, it’s not an objective truth. It was fair of him to express that he didn’t realise it might be offensive, though that isn’t quite what he said so there is a valid point againt him.
These cakes were definitely in poor taste in a professional setting, but considering that we are now dealing with the rise of actual Neo-Nazis I am no longer capable of being outraged over juvenile offences like this.
To the first point; yes, I will be....but I also realise it would be self defeating to put that response in a way that would put everyone who isn’t on the spectrum into a defensive position.
Which of the points raised in that link do you think applies to what I said?
Apparently as effective in raising awareness of women’s issues, if you don’t think either one matters.
And this isn’t an Onion article. This is satire made to prove a point, and I don’t see why that point or the method of delivering it should be immune from criticism just because it’s been cloaked in humor. That’d be…
Shit, you’re right. They ungrayed one guy and communally shat on him so it proves that this is a place open to discussion from opposing viewpoints. You got me.
Well thank you for actually making a point.
Absolutely. At what point do we stop pandering to the willfully ignorant? At what point to we refuse bigotry and regressive views a place at the table alongside rational and critical thought, scientific discovery, and basic human empathy? Why are we expected to expend so much energy making sure people who silence get…
Want to listen to a bunch of people talking about video game music? You’re in luck. Last week I stopped by the Portland-based podcast The Future of What to talk about music and video games. It was a really fun chat! Listen below or on Soundcloud.
No. If I ever buy this game, it’ll be when it’s the complete edition on sale. But I do think it’s interesting to judge narrative treatments of war as being “reverent” or (I’m assuming) “irreverent” from a moral standpoint when no matter how you cut it, EA made this game to profit off of the same war of which we cannot…
You’re missing nothing - if it were women, Jezebel would (and has) be commending them with wink wink, nudge nudge, “disclaimers.”
Can I start a discussion or ask something without being yelled at, or worse, destarred? Am I the only one here that doesn’t get the huge deal with this list?