
It’s not popular because it’s popular though. It’s popular cause it’s honed and perfected gameplay to a Nintendo-esque degree. I tend to describe it as the smash bros of shooters to people who don’t know about it and I’d say that’s an accurate descriptor for the sustainability and finesse of its mechanics.

I’m pleasantly surprised by all the East TN people on here. I was born right outside Knoxville and typically don’t associate that ilk with these no good, free thinking liberal sites

You could, but that would require not being asinine for like 20 comments straight on something you ostensibly don’t care about

Not so much tone policing as debate / conversion 101.

This has beeen my exact thought process the whole year

Never spent much time in the south ? Everything here trails like 50 years

Wow. This is super low level click bait.

Nice. Willful ignorace is definitely something to be proud of

What the hell is your issue?

Relative to the earth, no. But to a human lifespan, yeah that’s a long time ago.


Not every racist person learns it from white people. There’s plenty of racist cultures made up primarily of other races.

Isn’t capitalism grand? /sarcasm

It’s incredibly popular.

It is the same thing. There’s just a hive mind here.


You’re welcome!

This article is patently false. If you're going to call shit like fucking vocal affectations of a B level pop star racist, you're just devaluing the word.

The problem of .... Impaired consent?