
They sell the Disco Sport now, this is the full-size Disco that they will be selling along side it to replace the LR4. It is fucking confusing.

There is a stepped roof. It’s barely there, though.

This is definitely the new full size Disco.

Crackpipe because the interior is pretty rough and that dealer is walking distance to my parent’s house where I grew up and they are the scummiest MF’ers there. They’re always pushing beat up semi-exotics... The amount of Armor All they must go through.

It’s English. Of course it gets more reliable the more you drive it. Park it of more than a week though, and well, I guess we can wait for that article.

6.0 maybe... But the 7.3s are pretty much bulletproof.

My first car was a ‘92 Sundance with the 2.2 and 3 spd auto. It was pretty much the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever driven.

Goddammit. So many forums I haven’t used in years with probably some old ass password I don’t even remember. Fucking verticalscope sucks.

Yea, I’d rather have too much than too little but the car is definitely too far forward.

Would have towed even better if you weren’t hanging the business end of that old MB right on the tongue of the trailer.

I was interested until I learned that #FREER6 meant VR6 and not TR6.

But you’d still have a Wrangler, just like everyone else.

OBD I ftw.

OBD I ftw.

Gas Monkey had a LOT of potential to be a great car show, but it went in a totally different direction. Hats off to Richard though, dude knew how to work it and probably has insane amounts of dollars now. GMG is even bigger than OCC.

Yet he still can’t change a wheel bearing.

We’ve all seen how you work on those Jeeps. Please, leave that poor Mustang alone.

I had to pee.

After getting my Disco bogged down in super soft sand and removing myself by shifting the truck into low range, I can say that I do need a real truck. It's too bad because I do like the idea of this thing quite a bit.

My stepdad’s 96 is that clean. I should tell him to him sell it if there is some crazy person ready to drop nearly ten thousand fucking dollars on a XJ.

Question two, does it have a 2 speed transfer case?