When you got a new receiver and hooked its preamp outputs to that 30 year old technology which still sounds amazing.
When you got a new receiver and hooked its preamp outputs to that 30 year old technology which still sounds amazing.
Now to get people to start using their turn signal in the first place.
tbh I kinda don’t see a difference.
off to Abu Dhabi with you.
For what it’s worth, they don’t seem to like Trump much either... they simply still support the “Clinton was almost just as bad!” trope.
Depending on what you mean by “M-rated” there’s quite a lot of material on the internet for that already.
I don’t recommend going to look for it unless you’re absolutely sure that’s what you’re into.
He did try, though. They labeled him a “sellout.”
Punishment? Most of those people will never go more than 20 miles from their hometown in their entire life. I’m from southwest Ohio, and most of the people I went to high school with have never left. (I got the hell out and went to Los Angeles, though)
Any reasonable person would be able to differentiate this, and also recognize it as a parody. Unfortunately “reasonable person” doesn’t apply to their lawyers, who make the company look like a bunch of asshats. Sure, they “legally” can protect their trademark, but it’s not going to protect their bottom line.
Can you think of a better word that describes custom molecular lattices and metamaterials? Nanotubes really are a cool idea, you should look into why unbreakable molecule chains might come in handy.
I’m firmly in the “Millennial” camp, and I joined the Air Force in 2001 at age 17 right after the twin towers were hit.
I’ve rarely ever heard of this happening tbh
So basically, it looks like literally everywhere else now.
It’s not like there’s jobs to get, houses to buy, or anything else worth doing at this point.
Certain areas in Los Angeles such as Santa Monica Pier and Griffith Park have regular rare/high power appearances. I was at the pier last night - caught Dragonite, Charizard, Blastoise, Jynx, Tentacruel, a bunch of Squirtles, a Hitmonchan, and a freakin’ pile of high level Electabuzz.
They’re planning on adding many features over the coming weeks, apparently.
In places like Long Beach, it’s a revenue game. It’s not a law in the “protect the public” or “allow a vital public service” way, but more of a “Gotcha! give us 80 bucks!” kind of policy. Sure they call it “street sweeping” but in a lot of locations, they never run a sweeper - they just send a parking officer to write…
I rent the modem/router from Time Warner. This isn’t because I don’t own one (I do), or because I don’t know how to set one up (I do)... It’s because whenever there’s a problem, I can call them and say “It MUST be your problem, because I’m using YOUR modem.” This alone has gotten me several free months of service, as…
I rent the modem/router from Time Warner. This isn’t because I don’t own one (I do), or because I don’t know how to…
I did the Bebop deal last time it came around, it’s been one of my favorites for years.
I did the Bebop deal last time it came around, it’s been one of my favorites for years.
Most of the conservatives I know smugly say “Then they shouldn’t open their legs” as a way to save taxpayer money, as if this is even a solution.