
Even having seen and touched the plane in person, my brain can’t reconcile the tail shape on this picture.

They used to during certain open house events, but they stopped at least 15 years agom because people (all of which were actually affiliated with the museum in some way!) would vandalize and steal parts! I actually got to sit in the tacit blue when my grandpa took me to an open house. He was a volunteer there for

I once got to sit inside this plane at an open house event at Wright Patt when I was 12 (got to sit in a lot more planes too - SR71, B36, the bombardier seat of the Bockscar that bombed Japan) main memory is that it quite distinctly smelled like someone peed in it.

Are you a high-performance vehicle?

The dems aren’t perfect and they certainly tell lies of their own, but we’re dealing with a lineup of republican candidates that literally lie most of the time - fact checking proves this.

There might even be two nightstands up there.

Sometimes you gotta take what you can get.

Can’t we just scrap this turkey already and cannibalize its technologies for mission-specialized aircraft that would do a better job and cost 1/10 the price? This kind of shit is going to bankrupt our country and weaken us militarily.

Have they changed this design at all since 1992?

Have they changed this design at all since 1992?

The edison, of course, will link to your smartphone...

And steal your ideas as its own when you aren’t looking.

The Jalopnik community likes driving, so they hate cars that drive themselves.

I however, don’t give a shit. I enjoy driving, but I’d rather be doing almost anything else and let a robot do the job.

So how come this mouse, and the other cheapies Logitech makes which run on a single AA battery run for months, but the fancy Logitech G700s runs for about two or three days then just stops abruptly? I thought my computer froze the first two times, because I didn’t realize the mouse would die so quick!

So how come this mouse, and the other cheapies Logitech makes which run on a single AA battery run for months, but

What exactly are they gonna do with those torn-ass drag chutes?

Elon Musk already has his money. Now he’s just trying to change the world for fun...

It helps, of course, that these things really are dropping in price to produce, and that he really will be making money on them soon anyhow.

Isn’t there some sort of middle ground where they could just make the ads less long and obnoxious - especially for short videos?

Why is this train of thought so common in the USA?

It’s even worse if the story’s about a black guy who commits a minor infraction and gets shot. “Shouldn’t have been committing crimes.”

I have the 10Ah battery, which I got for that price.

Okay I lied, I have like 7 of them. They’re great, though I have torn a few apart for their individual cells (18650’s) and power controllers.

I have the 10Ah battery, which I got for that price.

Okay I lied, I have like 7 of them. They’re great, though I have

You might be missing the point a bit.... This isn’t just about mpg but emissions - the cars produce illegal levels of NOx and do so because the computers govern the engine that way.... But it can hide this by switching to another mode.

A membrane keyboard is cheaper, and might have cheaper encoders too? I honestly have no idea.

This could have a lot more to do with the encoders than we’re giving it credit for.