The new membranes are different - there’s less travel and they’re much quicker as a result. Maybe it’s just because I’m used to it but I routinely do 115-120wpm on my chiclet keyboard (mac).
While I find Nicki’s music to be extremely annoying, I’ve always respected that she had a good head on her shoulders and has always spoken out about things like this.
If you’re not getting directly paid by Exxon, you literally have no reason to be spreading their propaganda.
Let’s see, this is off the top of my head:
labor - one side wants to legalize shipping every job overseas and abolishing minimum wage, the other side wants to bring jobs back and ensure living wages.
foreign policy - one side wants to basically bomb everyone and steal their oil, one side wants to actually negotiate…
It’s easy to get away with thinking “all parties are the same” if you completely and totally disregard the messages and policies from each side.
Those of us who do not have literacy problems or a lack of attention span can clearly tell you that there is a huge difference between the side who says we should have…
The differences between strains are enough that you should give a few other types a try.
I’ve got a 11 foot 1080p projection screen that disagrees :P
I’m a liberal progressive but I’d still hang around to hear her speak. She’s been places, met people, and had influence that most couldn’t even ever dream of.
...Why don’t they just deck them out like X-wings or, you know, one of the many very famous flying craft in Star Wars?
I can see perverted imagery in almost anything, and I guess I’m not really seeing it here...
I think that she’s suing for the wrong reason, and that the argument she’s using to justify this is stupid, but it’s not racist to want a kid that looks like you, especially if you’ve gone through a lot of trouble ensure certain details. The problem is you’re not allowed to discuss this frankly because it is almost…
“All because I didn’t want to ditch the technology everyone will be using in the next 6 months. Do what you want kids.”
He says on a video shot with equipment from 20+ years ago.
Within the few plane crashes that have happened recently, most have resulted in no deaths whatsoever.
Aren’t we glad he was wrong, then?
The capabilities of today’s 300 ships would decimate a force 10 times its size back then.
Went in here thinking this was somehow Star Wars related, was disappointed.
Who the fuck is Hope Solo?