The point of all that being, I really dislike Uplay.
The point of all that being, I really dislike Uplay.
This looks neat. It’s a darn shame that I’ve been unable to play a Ubisoft game for the past year due to some incompatibility between Uplay and my PC. It crashes the thing immediately. I’ve seen that a lot of other people suffer the same problem and that Ubisoft doesn’t seem to offer a fix beyond, “Reinstall Windows.”…
Wasn’t that the thing people were clamoring for. It’s like they took a similar idea ... Far Cry in a prehistoric world ... but removed the one element people most wanted. Weird.
I bet he’s sitting down (in non-virtual reality, that is).
Only sort of on topic, but does Uplay crash anyone else’s PC? I can’t play any Ubisoft games, because every time I try to launch Uplay, my PC crashes, and I have to hard reset. It started happening suddenly ... as in, one week Uplay was fine, and the next, nope. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling, uninstalling…
Agreed. I’m a reporter (albeit for a small community paper), and can attest to how easy it is to lose track of stories that go into hibernation for a while. You just get to working on other things until a reader accuses you of covering something up or sweeping a story under the rug. Then you start working on it again.
I’m suffering tons of those. Clothing, buildings, streets ... tons of stuff is missing textures.
I’m in the group who matches the recommended settings, but is still having problems. And it’s not just framerate stutter, which is all over the place: Sometimes I’ll load up the game, and it won’t stutter at all (and by “stutter,” I mean “drop into single digit numbers for seconds at a time before jumping back up…
I was pleasantly astounded, too. I read that part twice just to ensure it was real.
Is it just me, or are there a lot of “Angry” reviewers out there. Why can’t there be some “Happy” reviewers? Or “Generally Optimistic” reviewers. Or, “Happy to Be Doing Something I Love” reviewers? Why’s everybody so pissed off all the time?
Why don't you make like a tree, and get out of here.
I understand your point, and largely agree. But I honestly don't think most of Kotaku's regular readership believe Jason or any of the other writers are personally biased against one company or another. These are people who write about their hobby, not politics or religion or sports teams or something else so…
Hey, even if you hadn't previously written about Destiny's DLC exclusivity, I think it's nonsense that people call you out on it. Who the fuck cares if you wrote about it when Sony pulled the same dumb bullshit with Destiny? This article isn't specifically about Microsoft or EA or Sony; it's about how the practice is…
These are all great. Very inspirational.
All of The Raid 2.
This is probably the most accurate analogy for comparing PC and console gamers I've ever read. For those who enjoy PC gaming (and I do, though I enjoy console gaming just as much ... pretty much just gaming in general), part of the joy is tinkering. I can totally understand not wanting to mess around with that;…
Very nice video essay. I'm not familiar with this series (of videos, I mean; Ubisoft won't let me not know what Far Cry is), but I think I'll start following it from here on out.
I really enjoy the later Far Cry entries for what they are, but man 'o man, did I love Far Cry 2. It was so oppressive and frustrating, but…
As a backer of Chroma Squad, I can't begin to explain how angry this situation makes me.
"Why? Why? Who on earth thought this would be fun?"
I've said this exact same phrase so many times playing so many different video games. Kirk, are you sure you're not me?
Isn't Nike releasing those self-lacing, BTTF shoes this year? Reckon this could be related to that?