Adam Armour

Just bought the Steam version off of Green Man Gaming for $11.25 with the 25% coupon on the front page. I'm pretty excited.

While I don't know what's going to stop people from shooting these things down, theft of dropped off packages shouldn't be too much of a problem. Delivery is supposed to be within thirty minutes, so presumably the person receiving the package will be on the lookout for it.

You can also set the digital copy to be free with the purchase of the paperback copy, which is something I've been clamoring for. It's just a courtesy to your readers. I signed my book, "Strange Beasts in a Small Town," up for the program. Yes, that plug was obligatory.

Man, I really want to pick up the PC version of Dead Rising 2: Off the Record, but that sucker stays at full price. I thought today might be the day. Alas, it is one of the few Capcom games NOT discounted during this promotion. Grumble grumble grumble.

This truth ... and it definitely is the truth ... is really disheartening.

The corner-cover thing was extremely fidgety. Kind of like most things in AC3.

That's what I was thinking. Or, set the paper atop the holes and poke them out with a pencil or something sharp.

Mostly controller (hey, I grew up playing console; old habits are hard to break), but I've been known to break out the M/KB every now and again.

I love Scrivener. I purchased a copy last year and use it for both my professional and personal writing. I write for a small Mississippi newspaper and typically have around nine or ten stories going at the same time. I'll use a single Scrivener document to keep up with an individual edition's stories, research and

Me too. Thumbs up to us.

Dear seems so sexual.

You actually can customize them. Right click the one you want to change and it should be one of the options.

I very much loved Republic Commando and thought Bounty Hunter was pretty good. Thumbs up to you for reminding me of both.

Correct. I've ordered several PC games from Gamefly, including this bundle, and the Steam activation keys are right there in the email invoice. No need to download anything (well, except Steam of course).

This looks amazing. Very unique; very cool.

This stuff is great. I've never used the shampoo, but Mane and Tail conditioner gives my hair just the right amount of softness and weight. Plus, you get a shit ton of if for six bucks. Can't beat that.

Why is this so somber? It's Sonic the Hedgehog, not Othello.

Why is this so somber? It's Sonic the Hedgehog, not Othello.

I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that "Legendary" was... [looks both ways]...OK. It had some neat ideas and pretty swell monster design wrapped around a functional but bland shooter.

This is a bit random, but I'm going to throw it out there: I kind of dislike McNamara. I'm not sure what it is about the guy that doesn't sit well with me (I like most of the GI staff), but his personality as presented in both his editorials and appearances on the GI podcast really grates on my nerves.