Jane, you ignorant slut.

After watching The Suicide Squad on HBO Max, my official stance on all Disney and Marvel films is "I'll watch it when it doesn't cost me anything more than my Disney Plus subscription". Not going back to the theater until the Delta variant calms down.

It sucks to be struggling with mental illness, but it's also an important part of recovery to be able to distinguish that some of the things that may trigger you may be serving valid purposes for people with other disabilities. Having sugar free and gluten free options available are important to people with certain

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This calls for Chris Pine singing “Spidey Bells”

OKay, it’s great. But. But!

I grew surprisingly attached to Billy and Tommy and I was sad to see them go. Who knows what the end credits scene foretells.

It was a great song that made the movie better, I support this campaign, now play Ja Ja Ding Dong.

I thought the same thing when I saw that interview.

We are calling them “Space Cadets” and that is final.

It’s odd because it feels like the perception of Whedon has been really divided. Like, some people refuse to ever work with him again, while other actors remain fiercely loyal and follow him from project to project. He fires Charisma Carpenter for being pregnant, but then has a bunch of Angel, Buffy, Firefly, and

Sia choosing to put a 12 year old Maddie Zeigler in a cage to dance/fight with a half-naked Shia LaBeouf really bugged me when the music video came out in 2015. And it's one of those decisions that ages worse every year.

I might buy that this was "Bury your gays" if this wasn't at least the fifth time we've seen Castiel die.

Its one of the rare books I liked better as an audiobook. 

I feel so lucky in getting to watch her. It's so rare to see an athlete perform and to know that you're watching one of the all-time greats, who is changing the sport forever.

I adore her. What a joy to watch an athlete at the top of her game, aware she is the best, and who just keeps pushing herself to new heights. I’m in awe of my own luck that I get to watch her.

No one complained about Season 8 because of the visual effects being lacking. So how about we just keep this comments section positive, since it's celebrating the pretty incredible technical work this team accomplished? There are a million other places where you can complain about the writing.

It has been interesting and somewhat telling to me, how many prominent female artists unfollowed Scooter Braun on Instagram after Taylor's Tumblr post dropped. 

Yeah, they need to calm down.

I had a medically necessary episiotomy (baby A wasn’t progressing after hours of pushing, and was showing signs of starting to inhale, baby B’s heart rate was dropping, I wasn’t tearing naturally, doctor became concerned for both babies, and I narrowly avoided an emergency C-section). I honestly dont know how many

Seriously, don’t watch that Cardi B music video at work. It’s about a 1 cm leg spread away from being straight up porn.