Jane, you ignorant slut.

The person playing Ms. Davis was an actress and was committing to the bit.

All movies are pointless.

Richard Dreyfuss is the lifetime walking embodiment of Justified/Raylan Givens’s “If you run into a asshole in the morning...” quote.

And let’s not forget that time he let loose all those dinosaurs on that island just because he was trying to scam a scammer. 

“Lewis apologized to Felicia, but also expressed confusion about where her frustrations are coming from months after Lewis first posted her TikToks about Wennberg.”

Wild that being a methhead while pregnant and deciding to have a home birth in order to avoid detection is not a criminal act. I understand why they’re charging her this way given how the law is written but this child’s death is still the result of an entirely foreseeable outcome undertaken to keep herself from

No. It belongs to both. The reason Jay even made the, “girl’s girl,” dig was because Grande was showing up that their house, presenting herself as friend, was carrying the baby around and offering help, while she and Slater were already in an affair. Both Grande and Slater were being duplicitous and awful.  

Nah, it’s typical deranged misogyny. Imagine following a professional surfer’s Instagram, liking a bunch of her surfing pics, then once you start dating her, going back through all of her pics and sending her specific ones to take down because you think they’re too revealing and pretending that she violated your

She’s a surfer and she’s not allowed to surf with men or post photos in a bathing suit? Are you kidding me? That goes way beyond boundaries. He’s asking her to change who she is so he doesn’t feel insecure.

Ballinger deserves no pity but I’m also really annoyed by the kinds of people who scour someone’s history for any scandal that might provide them with the tiniest bit of internet clout.

Imagine being a life-long Seinfeld fan and thinking “this man would clearly appreciate a hug from a total stranger!”

 I enjoy hugging, so I'd hug someone who asked for a hug even if they were a stranger. But I can completely understand the point of view of not wanting to hug a stranger and it's anyone's right to say no.

Everyone should have the right to not be touched even when someone really wants to touch them.

Personally, I’m inclined to not judge people too harshly for not immediately denouncing people who are clearly close friends in their personal lives merely because the internet hordes are baying for them to do so. Leaving aside the fact that it’s easy to forget that we only really know these people through AV Club

I completely believe Robert Downey Jr. when he says that Mel Gibson helped him during the lowest points of his life and helped him get sober.

i’m a female & as liberal as they come but after watching 30 minutes of her first special, i turned her off. came for the comedy, not the anger. if i’d been warned it was just going to be a personal angry rant, that’s fine & i would’ve avoided it altogether but i was sucked in that it was going to be funny & it just

I used to feel kind of... guilty? for not liking Gadsby’s comedy but this article and the ones linked in remind me that they’re just... there.

I didn’t hate it, I just don’t know if you can call something a “comedy” show if the main purpose or intent of the substantive content isn’t to make people laugh. I won’t argue against people whossay she’s a skilled performer, masterfully juggles tension, or that she can be funny when she wants to be—I’m just saying

I can’t remember the context of the Picasso criticism in Nanette, but mostly what I remember about that special is trying to explain why I hated it as nicely as possible to the person who *very* enthusiastically showed it to me.

I think what's most infuriating about Helen Thomas is that she makes a handful of decent points, but couches them in rhetoric that is just absurdly anti-Semetic.