ADabOfOppo; Gone Plaid (Instructables Can Be Confusable)

No sound?  am dissapoint.  

It’s like a sedan but more practical without the drawbacks of a crossover. Not a deep concept.

WTF is this. Not even one mention of Karl Marx.

It is what it is...

Imagine paying upwards of $250K just to catch a potentially fatal and debilitating disease.

He can do whatever he wants on his own time, and more power to him.

I think this is a little bit of a logical fallacy. All the things you listed are forms of entertainment, but motorsport is a real-life, in the moment affair, whereas the other two things you mentioned often take place in a fictional universe

If F1 actually gave a shit about people, they’d move the race to Ukraine or Belarus and tell Russia to go fuck itself.

May you kindly, but promptly get the fuck out of here.

nah fu, not about this. 

I might ordinarily agree with you, but not on this. On racism he is the one person within motor racing that should be heard.

I have a MK7 GTI, and I totally agree. Throw the Passat in there too. They are an interpretaion of what VW thinks Americans want without pissing Audi off. Reminds me of all the Chryslers that Daimler was responsible for.

If it takes one commenter on Jezebel to change their minds about fascism, then they deserve my comment.

There are no good Republicans.

I was gonna say, well, of course an organization so tightly tied to Bernie fucking Ecclestone would bristle at a shirt like that. But apparently they finally read the writing on the public relations wall and kicked his racist ass to the curb!

Up until a few years ago, I was pretty set on not liking Hamilton because he didn’t get across the best impression when he came into F1. I saw him as a bit of a bratty whiner that could drive the wheels off of the car but couldn’t handle things not quite going his way.

I won’t stop”
Good. At this point, anyone speaking out against demonstrations like his or pulling the “iTs rAcInG nOt pOlItIcS” card are just outing themselves at-best as complacent with the unjust violence he’s speaking out against. There is not another respectable foot to stand on here.

I dont usually respect Lewis that much for his personality and tendency to complain whenever hes not winning, but god damn if he didnt pull back all those respect points for this.

Because nothing turns on right wing politicians in the US more than corporations fucking people rawdog style.